CHRIST (Deemed to University), Bangalore


School of Commerce, Finance and Accountancy

Syllabus for
BCom/(Honours/Honours with Research)
Academic Year  (2024)


Assesment Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:




Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Examination And Assesments

Question Paper Pattern - MSE


The question paper pattern will be as specified below:








Short Answer Questions – Answer all 5 questions

5 X 2 marks = 10


Conceptual / Descriptive Type questions – Answer all 3 questions with 1 internal choice question of same course outcome

3 x 5 marks =  15


Analytical / Essay Type Questions - Answer 2 questions with one internal choice of the same course outcome.

1 x 10 marks = 10


Case Study- Compulsory

1X15 marks=15 marks




Question Paper Pattern - ESE


The question paper pattern will be as specified below:






Short Answer Questions – Answer all 5 questions

5 X 2 marks = 10


Conceptual / Descriptive Type questions – Answer all 7 questions with 2 internal choice questions of same course outcome

7 x 5 marks = 35


Analytical / Essay Type Questions -  – Answer 4 question with 2 internal choice

4 x 10 marks = 40


Case Study- Compulsory

1x15 marks=15 marks


Department Overview:

Vision:To be a Centre of Excellence in the realm of Commerce and Management, developing and nurturing global competencies in students through quality education, research, and continuous innovation.




Mission:To nurture commerce professionals who possess a high level of knowledge and competence to effectively contribute to society with commitment and integrity.


Introduction to Program:


Components of assessment
























Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


In the ever-changing dynamic business environment, it is important that students are aware of the laws of the land, legislative systems and relevant applications of the provisions of the law. This course enables students to recognise, appreciate and apply the relevant provisions of the legislation in business. 


Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the basic rules of Agreements and Contracts along with the rules of Offer, Acceptance, Consideration, Capacity/Competency to contract & rules governing Consideration in The Indian Contract Act 1872

CO2: Understand the basic aspects of a void agreement and subsequently enter valid business propositions.

CO3: Recognize and differentiate the special contracts and identify their appropriate usage in varied business scenarios.

CO4: Equip the students about the legitimate rights and obligations under The Sale of Goods Act of 1930.

CO5: Develop the student's analytical skills by understanding various case laws.

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-I

Contract – meaning, characteristics, and kinds; Essentials of valid contract – Offer- meaning, Essential elements of a valid offer, types of offer; Acceptance- meaning and valid rules of acceptance; Communication of offer and acceptance, Revocation of offer and acceptance, Lapse of Offer, Consideration- meaning, essential elements, legal rules regarding consideration, exceptions to the general rule of consideration, Rule of Privity of contract and its exceptions; Contractual Capacity- meaning and types of parties, persons not competent to contract, Nature and effects of Minor’s agreements. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:15
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-II

Free Consent- meaning and five elements which affect the consent and the legal rules of each of the elements (essentials, effects, and remedies); Legality of Objects- meaning, agreements opposed to public policy; illegal agreements, its effects, and enforceability in case of separable illegality; Void Agreements- meaning and contracts expressly declared void (types of void agreements); Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- General Contracts-III

Contingent contracts- meaning and essentials, Quasi contracts- meaning and basis of quasi-contracts, Performance of contracts- meaning and types, Discharge of contracts – modes of discharge including breach and its remedies. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
The Indian Contract Act, 1872- Specific Contracts

Contract of Indemnity- meaning and essentials; Contract of Guarantee- meaning, essentials, and kind of guarantee- Distinction between indemnity and guarantee; Contract of Bailment-essentials and Kinds; Lien and its types; Pledge- meaning and essentials- pledge by non-owners; difference with bailment; Contract of Agency -Creation of Agency – Kinds of Agents –Relationship of Principal and Agent–Sub Agent – Position of Principal and Agent to third parties – Termination of Agency. Landmark judgments. (Meaning includes definitions given by the Act)

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Teaching Hours:10
Unit V: The Sale of Goods Act, 1930

Contract of sale - meaning, essentials, and the difference between sale and agreement to sell; Conditions and warranties- meaning, essentials and differences; Transfer of ownership in goods including sale by non-owners, Performance of the contract of sale, Unpaid seller – meaning and rights of an unpaid seller against the goods and the buyer. The Doctrine of Caveat Emptor, Landmark judgments

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Kapoor N.D. (2022). Mercantile Law (10th edition), Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Singh Avtar, (2023). Business Law, Including Company Law, Eastern Book Company.
  2. Maheshwari S.K, and Maheshwari S. N. (2018). Business Law, Himalaya Publication house, New Delhi.
  3. Tulsain P.C, Tulsian Tushar and Bharat Tulsian (2023). Business Law, Sultan Chand & Sons, New Delhi
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COM102-1 - BUSINESS ECONOMICS (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


The modules incorporated in this paper deal with the nature and scope of economics, the theory of consumer behavior, analysis of production function and equilibrium of a producer, the price formation in different markets structures and the equilibrium of a firm and industry. In addition to this, students get acquainted with the trade policy, the fiscal policy, and monetary policy within the context of a country.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Develop the conceptual foundations and analytical methods used in micro economics.

CO2: Develop the ability to understand and appreciate the economic theories and their application in real economic life.

CO3: Understand the role of prices in allocating scarce resources in market economies and explain the consequences of government policies in the form of price controls.

CO4: Appraise the monetary policy and fiscal policy prevalent within a country.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:15
Demand and supply Analysis and Applications

Economic models- Production Possibility Frontier and Circular Flow of Income: Two Sector Model; Demand Analysis: Law of demand, Exceptions to the law; Changes in demand, Elasticity of Demand: Definition, degrees and measurement - Supply Analysis: Laws of supply, Changes in supply, and elasticity of supply - Market equilibrium, Applications in real life: Price Ceiling, Price Floor and Externality.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:8
Theory of Consumer Choice

The Budget Constraint: What the Consumer Can Afford, Preferences: What the Consumer Wants, Indifference curves- Properties, Optimization: What the Consumer Chooses and definition of Price Effect, Income Effect and Substitution Effect.

Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:10
Theory of Production and Cost

Production function; Law of variable proportions; Laws of returns, Economies of scale; Cost Function-Important cost concepts. Short run and long run cost analysis (traditional theory) Modern theory of cost-  Revenue analysis. TR, AR and MR.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:12
Market Structure

Market structure- Perfect competition, Price and output determination- Monopoly- Price output determination, Price discrimination Monopolistic Competition – Features, Price and Output determination (Short Run and Long Run).  Oligopoly: Definition and types of Oligopoly.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:9
Measuring Nation's Income and Cost of Living

Measuring GDP - Real and Nominal GDP and GDP Deflator – Inflation: Consumer Price Index, Comparison of CPI an GDP Deflator and Adjusting economic variables to inflation – Money Supply Measures.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Teaching Hours:6
Money and the Financial System

Saving and Investment in National Income Accounts.  The Market for Loanable Funds.  Banks and the Money Supply.  Monetary Measures.  Meaning of Inflation and Costs of Inflation.  Tools of Credit Control.


Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Gregory Mankiw, N. (2022). Principles of Economics, 8th Edition, Cengage Learning India.
  2. Pindyk and Rubinfeld (2017). Microeconomics (Pearson Education), Eighth Edition
  3. Maheshwari, Yogesh (2012). Managerial Economics, New Delhi: PHI Learning Pvt. Ltd.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

  1. CORE’s The Economy (
  2. CORE’s The Economy: A South Asian Perspective
  3. Lipsey, R.G. and K.A. Chrystal (2011). Principles of Economics (IX ed.). Oxford University Press: Oxford
  4. Ramsfield, E. (2012). Micro Economics (IX ed.). New York: W.W Norton and company.
  5. Ray, N.C. (2014). An introduction to Microeconomics, Macmillan Company of India Ltd: Delhi.
Evaluation Pattern


Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration










Question Paper Pattern - MSE

 The question paper pattern will be as specified below:






Short Answer Questions – Answer any 5 out of 7

5 X 2 = 10


Conceptual / Descriptive Type questions – Answer any 2 out of 3

2 x 8 =   16


Analytical / Essay Type Questions -  – Answer any 2 out of 3

2 x 12 = 24

 Question Paper Pattern - ESE

 The question paper pattern will be as specified below:






Short Answer Questions– Answer any 12 out of 14

12 X 2 = 24


Conceptual / Descriptive Type questions – Answer any 5 out of 7

5 x 8 =   40


Analytical / Essay Type Questions- Answer any 3 out of 5

3 x 12 = 36

ENG181-1 - ENGLISH (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description

  • To expose learners to a variety of texts to interact with
  • To help learners classify ideologies and be able to express the same
  • To expose learners to visual texts and its reading formulas
  • To help learners develop a taste to appreciate works of literature through the organization of language
  • To help develop critical thinking
  • To help learners appreciate literature and the language nuances that enhances its literary values
  • To help learners understand the relationship between the world around them and the text/literature
  • To help learners negotiate with content and infer meaning contextually
  • To help learners understand logical sequencing of content and process information

·         To help improve their communication skills for larger academic purposes and vocational purposes

·         To enable learners to learn the contextual use of words and the generic meaning

·         To enable learners to listen to audio content and infer contextual meaning

·         To enable learners to be able to speak for various purposes and occasions using context specific language and expressions

·         To enable learners to develop the ability to write for various purposes using suitable and precise language.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand how to engage with texts from various countries, historical, cultural specificities, and politics and develop the ability to reflect upon and comment on texts with various themes

CO2: Develop an analytical and critical bent of mind to compare and analyze the various literature they read and discuss in class

CO3: Develop the ability to communicate both orally and in writing for various purposes

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:7
1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare
  • 1. The Happy Prince- Oscar Wilde
  • 2. Sonnet 18- William Shakespeare

Teaching Hours:7

Common errors- subject-verb agreement, punctuation, tense errors  Just a minute talk, cubing

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:6

Sentence fragments, dangling modifiers, faulty parallelism,

Teaching Hours:6
1. Why We Travel-Pico Iyer

 Why We Travel-Pico Iyer 

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:4

Note taking

Teaching Hours:4
1. Thinking Like a Mountain By Aldo Leopold

Thinking Like a Mountain  By Aldo Leopold

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:5

Newspaper report

Teaching Hours:5
Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article


Aarushi-Hemraj Murder Article 

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4
1. My Story- Nicole DeFreece


 My Story- Nicole DeFreece


Teaching Hours:4

Essay writing

Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Teaching Hours:4

Paraphrasing and interpretation skills

Teaching Hours:4
Casey at the Bat- Ernest Lawrence Thayer
  • Casey at the Bat-  Ernest Lawrence Thayer
Text Books And Reference Books:

ENGlogue 1

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Additional  material as per teacher manual will be provided by the teachers

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1=20 

CIA 2=50 

CIA 3= 20 

ESE= 50 marks


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This subject contains a blend of contemporary issues as well as fundamental concepts in the field of Human Resource Management, providing a detailed overview of the staffing function. Topics include the need for human resources management and its growing professionalism; human resource planning including job design and analysis; recruitment and selection; employee training and development; and industrial relations. The course enables students to understand the role of HRM in organizational success, including the key concepts and theories of HRM.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Gain an understanding of the significance of human resources and the managerial roles involved in human resource administration.

CO2: Analyze job design, job analysis, and training concepts to identify their significance in managing human resources.

CO3: Recognize various approaches to HRM related to staffing, performance management, compensation, and strategic issues.

CO4: Develop an understanding of contemporary issues and practical techniques associated with the effective practice of HRM.

CO5: Build a foundation about Human Resource Management and be able to apply the concepts both professionally and personally

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Human Resource Management

Meaning, Evolution, Characteristics, Functionsand Process, Challenges, Human Resource Manager – Duties and Responsibilities, Paradigms for Post Modern Managers; Evolution and Importance of Human Resources Development, HRM versus HRD, Personnel Management versus Human Resource Management, HRM versus SHRM, HRM versus IHRM.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Human Resource Management

Meaning, Evolution, Characteristics, Functionsand Process, Challenges, Human Resource Manager – Duties and Responsibilities, Paradigms for Post Modern Managers; Evolution and Importance of Human Resources Development, HRM versus HRD, Personnel Management versus Human Resource Management, HRM versus SHRM, HRM versus IHRM.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Human Resource Management

Meaning, Evolution, Characteristics, Functionsand Process, Challenges, Human Resource Manager – Duties and Responsibilities, Paradigms for Post Modern Managers; Evolution and Importance of Human Resources Development, HRM versus HRD, Personnel Management versus Human Resource Management, HRM versus SHRM, HRM versus IHRM.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Human Resource Management

Meaning, Evolution, Characteristics, Functionsand Process, Challenges, Human Resource Manager – Duties and Responsibilities, Paradigms for Post Modern Managers; Evolution and Importance of Human Resources Development, HRM versus HRD, Personnel Management versus Human Resource Management, HRM versus SHRM, HRM versus IHRM.

Teaching Hours:12
Human Resource Planning

Meaning and importance of Human Resource Planning, Factors affectingHuman Resource Planning, Forecasting the demand and supply of human resources; Recruitment – Internal and External Sources; Selection – Screening and Final Selection, Use of tests in the selection process; Placement – Basis of placement and problems involved in the placement process.

Teaching Hours:12
Human Resource Planning

Meaning and importance of Human Resource Planning, Factors affectingHuman Resource Planning, Forecasting the demand and supply of human resources; Recruitment – Internal and External Sources; Selection – Screening and Final Selection, Use of tests in the selection process; Placement – Basis of placement and problems involved in the placement process.

Teaching Hours:12
Human Resource Planning

Meaning and importance of Human Resource Planning, Factors affectingHuman Resource Planning, Forecasting the demand and supply of human resources; Recruitment – Internal and External Sources; Selection – Screening and Final Selection, Use of tests in the selection process; Placement – Basis of placement and problems involved in the placement process.

Teaching Hours:12
Human Resource Planning

Meaning and importance of Human Resource Planning, Factors affectingHuman Resource Planning, Forecasting the demand and supply of human resources; Recruitment – Internal and External Sources; Selection – Screening and Final Selection, Use of tests in the selection process; Placement – Basis of placement and problems involved in the placement process.

Teaching Hours:12
Job Analysis, Job Design and Training

Concept and uses of job analysis,Process and methods of job analysis; Job description and job specification; Role analysis; Concept of job design - Approach and methods of job design, Job redesign in India, Job simplification, Job rotation, Job enrichment and Job Enlargement;Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Design; Training: Meaning, Training versus development,Need for training, identification of training needs, methods of training-On the job and off the job methods(Recent trends in training using Extended reality).



Teaching Hours:12
Job Analysis, Job Design and Training

Concept and uses of job analysis,Process and methods of job analysis; Job description and job specification; Role analysis; Concept of job design - Approach and methods of job design, Job redesign in India, Job simplification, Job rotation, Job enrichment and Job Enlargement;Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Design; Training: Meaning, Training versus development,Need for training, identification of training needs, methods of training-On the job and off the job methods(Recent trends in training using Extended reality).



Teaching Hours:12
Job Analysis, Job Design and Training

Concept and uses of job analysis,Process and methods of job analysis; Job description and job specification; Role analysis; Concept of job design - Approach and methods of job design, Job redesign in India, Job simplification, Job rotation, Job enrichment and Job Enlargement;Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Design; Training: Meaning, Training versus development,Need for training, identification of training needs, methods of training-On the job and off the job methods(Recent trends in training using Extended reality).



Teaching Hours:12
Job Analysis, Job Design and Training

Concept and uses of job analysis,Process and methods of job analysis; Job description and job specification; Role analysis; Concept of job design - Approach and methods of job design, Job redesign in India, Job simplification, Job rotation, Job enrichment and Job Enlargement;Difference Between Job Analysis and Job Design; Training: Meaning, Training versus development,Need for training, identification of training needs, methods of training-On the job and off the job methods(Recent trends in training using Extended reality).



Teaching Hours:12
Performance Appraisal and Promotion

Performance Appraisal: Meaning and Objectives of Performance Appraisal; Methods of performance, appraisal and Limitations; Identifying and measuring employee performance; Performance appraisal and Performance Management system (PA vs PMS);Purpose of promotion, Basis of Promotion,Types of promotion and transfer.

Teaching Hours:12
Performance Appraisal and Promotion

Performance Appraisal: Meaning and Objectives of Performance Appraisal; Methods of performance, appraisal and Limitations; Identifying and measuring employee performance; Performance appraisal and Performance Management system (PA vs PMS);Purpose of promotion, Basis of Promotion,Types of promotion and transfer.

Teaching Hours:12
Performance Appraisal and Promotion

Performance Appraisal: Meaning and Objectives of Performance Appraisal; Methods of performance, appraisal and Limitations; Identifying and measuring employee performance; Performance appraisal and Performance Management system (PA vs PMS);Purpose of promotion, Basis of Promotion,Types of promotion and transfer.

Teaching Hours:12
Performance Appraisal and Promotion

Performance Appraisal: Meaning and Objectives of Performance Appraisal; Methods of performance, appraisal and Limitations; Identifying and measuring employee performance; Performance appraisal and Performance Management system (PA vs PMS);Purpose of promotion, Basis of Promotion,Types of promotion and transfer.

Teaching Hours:12
Contemporary issues in HRM

Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS); Employee Coaching, Counselling and Industrial Relations; Moonlighting by employees – Flexitime and Flexiwork; The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting;Human Resource Evaluation-HR Audit, HR Metrics and HR Accounting,Organizational Politics, Outsourcing and Outplacement; Exit Policy and Practice, Future of HRM

Teaching Hours:12
Contemporary issues in HRM

Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS); Employee Coaching, Counselling and Industrial Relations; Moonlighting by employees – Flexitime and Flexiwork; The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting;Human Resource Evaluation-HR Audit, HR Metrics and HR Accounting,Organizational Politics, Outsourcing and Outplacement; Exit Policy and Practice, Future of HRM

Teaching Hours:12
Contemporary issues in HRM

Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS); Employee Coaching, Counselling and Industrial Relations; Moonlighting by employees – Flexitime and Flexiwork; The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting;Human Resource Evaluation-HR Audit, HR Metrics and HR Accounting,Organizational Politics, Outsourcing and Outplacement; Exit Policy and Practice, Future of HRM

Teaching Hours:12
Contemporary issues in HRM

Impact of Globalization on Human Resource Management; Human Resource Information Systems (HRIS); Employee Coaching, Counselling and Industrial Relations; Moonlighting by employees – Flexitime and Flexiwork; The Great Resignation and Quiet Quitting;Human Resource Evaluation-HR Audit, HR Metrics and HR Accounting,Organizational Politics, Outsourcing and Outplacement; Exit Policy and Practice, Future of HRM

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Rao, V.S.P. (2021). Human Resource Management: Text and Cases. Himalaya Publishing House.
  2. Dowling, P.J., Festing, M., & Engle, A.D. (2021). International Human Resource Management. Cengage Learning.



Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Stone, D.L., & Deadrick, D.L. (2021). Human Resource Management: A Strategic Approach. Wiley.



Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course on Business Mathematics and Statistics is offered to the students of second semester. This course provides students with a comprehensive understanding of essential mathematical and statistical concepts applicable in business contexts. Through practical applications and problem-solving exercises, students will develop the skills necessary for effective decision-making and analysis in various business situations.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Apply the concept of Matrices and Determinants in solving business problems.

CO2: Demonstrate the knowledge of simple interest and compound interest to make better financial decisions.

CO3: Apply the techniques of standard deviation and coefficient of variation for making a decision in choosing the best alternative.

CO4: Apply the statistical tools to perform analysis of data using descriptive measures.

CO5: Apply correlation and linear regression analysis for estimation and drawing inference from the resulting data.

CO6: Explain various method of generating indices and apply them to solve practical problems.

Teaching Hours:10

Definition of a matrix. Types of matrices; Algebra of matrices. Calculation of values of determinants up to third order; Adjoint of a matrix; Finding inverse of a matrix through ad joint; Applications of matrices to solution of simple business and economic problems

Teaching Hours:10

Definition of a matrix. Types of matrices; Algebra of matrices. Calculation of values of determinants up to third order; Adjoint of a matrix; Finding inverse of a matrix through ad joint; Applications of matrices to solution of simple business and economic problems

Teaching Hours:10

Definition of a matrix. Types of matrices; Algebra of matrices. Calculation of values of determinants up to third order; Adjoint of a matrix; Finding inverse of a matrix through ad joint; Applications of matrices to solution of simple business and economic problems

Teaching Hours:10

Definition of a matrix. Types of matrices; Algebra of matrices. Calculation of values of determinants up to third order; Adjoint of a matrix; Finding inverse of a matrix through ad joint; Applications of matrices to solution of simple business and economic problems

Teaching Hours:10
Basic Mathematics of Finance

Simple and compound interest Rates of interest – nominal, effective and continuous – their interrelationships; Compounding and discounting of a sum using different types of rates


Teaching Hours:10
Basic Mathematics of Finance

Simple and compound interest Rates of interest – nominal, effective and continuous – their interrelationships; Compounding and discounting of a sum using different types of rates


Teaching Hours:10
Basic Mathematics of Finance

Simple and compound interest Rates of interest – nominal, effective and continuous – their interrelationships; Compounding and discounting of a sum using different types of rates


Teaching Hours:10
Basic Mathematics of Finance

Simple and compound interest Rates of interest – nominal, effective and continuous – their interrelationships; Compounding and discounting of a sum using different types of rates


Teaching Hours:15
Univariate Analysis

Measures of Central Tendency including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean: properties and applications; mode and median. Partition values - quartiles, deciles, and percentiles.

Measures of Variation: absolute and relative. Range, quartile deviation and mean deviation; Variance and Standard deviation: calculation and properties

Teaching Hours:15
Univariate Analysis

Measures of Central Tendency including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean: properties and applications; mode and median. Partition values - quartiles, deciles, and percentiles.

Measures of Variation: absolute and relative. Range, quartile deviation and mean deviation; Variance and Standard deviation: calculation and properties

Teaching Hours:15
Univariate Analysis

Measures of Central Tendency including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean: properties and applications; mode and median. Partition values - quartiles, deciles, and percentiles.

Measures of Variation: absolute and relative. Range, quartile deviation and mean deviation; Variance and Standard deviation: calculation and properties

Teaching Hours:15
Univariate Analysis

Measures of Central Tendency including arithmetic mean, geometric mean and harmonic mean: properties and applications; mode and median. Partition values - quartiles, deciles, and percentiles.

Measures of Variation: absolute and relative. Range, quartile deviation and mean deviation; Variance and Standard deviation: calculation and properties

Teaching Hours:15
Bivariate Analysis

Simple Linear Correlation Analysis: Meaning, and measurement. Karl Pearson's co-efficient and Spearman’s rank correlation

Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Regression equations and estimation. Relationship between correlation and regression coefficients

Teaching Hours:15
Bivariate Analysis

Simple Linear Correlation Analysis: Meaning, and measurement. Karl Pearson's co-efficient and Spearman’s rank correlation

Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Regression equations and estimation. Relationship between correlation and regression coefficients

Teaching Hours:15
Bivariate Analysis

Simple Linear Correlation Analysis: Meaning, and measurement. Karl Pearson's co-efficient and Spearman’s rank correlation

Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Regression equations and estimation. Relationship between correlation and regression coefficients

Teaching Hours:15
Bivariate Analysis

Simple Linear Correlation Analysis: Meaning, and measurement. Karl Pearson's co-efficient and Spearman’s rank correlation

Simple Linear Regression Analysis: Regression equations and estimation. Relationship between correlation and regression coefficients

Teaching Hours:10
Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis

Meaning and uses of index numbers; Construction of index numbers: Aggregative and average of relatives – simple and weighted, Tests of adequacy of index numbers, Construction of consumer price indices.

Components of time series; additive and multiplicative models; Trend analysis: Finding trend by moving average method and Fitting of linear trend line using principle of least squares.

Teaching Hours:10
Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis

Meaning and uses of index numbers; Construction of index numbers: Aggregative and average of relatives – simple and weighted, Tests of adequacy of index numbers, Construction of consumer price indices.

Components of time series; additive and multiplicative models; Trend analysis: Finding trend by moving average method and Fitting of linear trend line using principle of least squares.

Teaching Hours:10
Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis

Meaning and uses of index numbers; Construction of index numbers: Aggregative and average of relatives – simple and weighted, Tests of adequacy of index numbers, Construction of consumer price indices.

Components of time series; additive and multiplicative models; Trend analysis: Finding trend by moving average method and Fitting of linear trend line using principle of least squares.

Teaching Hours:10
Time-based Data: Index Numbers and Time-Series Analysis

Meaning and uses of index numbers; Construction of index numbers: Aggregative and average of relatives – simple and weighted, Tests of adequacy of index numbers, Construction of consumer price indices.

Components of time series; additive and multiplicative models; Trend analysis: Finding trend by moving average method and Fitting of linear trend line using principle of least squares.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Mizrahi and John Sullivan. (Latest edition).Mathematics for Business and Social Sciences. Wiley and Sons.
  1. C.M.Chikkodi, & Satyaprasad, B. (2022). Business statistics. Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Aggarwal, S., & Bhardwaj, S. (2015). Business Statistics. Ludhiana: Kalyani.
  2. Wilson, M. (2014).Business Statistics. Mumbai: Himalaya publishing house.
  3. Levin, R. I., & Rubin, D. S. (2014). Statistics for management. Delhi: Pearson.
  4. Gupta, S.C., & Gupta, I. (2014). Business Statistics. Mumbai: Himalaya publishing
Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Basic proficiency in Excel has become a prerequisite skill in most of the organizations. This course intends to make the students familiar with the basics of Microsoft excel.  The course introduces the students to financial and statistical analysis, further the course also deals with practical application of Microsoft excel in day to day business activities.  As a prerequisite, the students should have basic knowledge about computers and MS Office.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate basic data cleaning and pre-processing in Excel

CO2: Apply Financial, Logical, Statistical, Reference and Text Excel functions to solve Accounting and finance problems

CO3: Construct payroll, Ratio analysis, Cash flow statement of a business using Excel VBA.

Teaching Hours:11

Spreadsheet - Workbook - Cell Referencing, Cell Addressing, File Menu; Home Menu, Conditional Formatting, Formatting as a Table, Cell Styles, AutoSum, Sort and Filter; Insert Menu, Inserting Tables and Pivot Tables, Smart Arts, Charts;   Page Layout, Review and View Menus; Converting Text to Columns, Removing Duplicates, Data Validation, Grouping and Ungrouping. 

Teaching Hours:11

Spreadsheet - Workbook - Cell Referencing, Cell Addressing, File Menu; Home Menu, Conditional Formatting, Formatting as a Table, Cell Styles, AutoSum, Sort and Filter; Insert Menu, Inserting Tables and Pivot Tables, Smart Arts, Charts;   Page Layout, Review and View Menus; Converting Text to Columns, Removing Duplicates, Data Validation, Grouping and Ungrouping. 

Teaching Hours:11

Spreadsheet - Workbook - Cell Referencing, Cell Addressing, File Menu; Home Menu, Conditional Formatting, Formatting as a Table, Cell Styles, AutoSum, Sort and Filter; Insert Menu, Inserting Tables and Pivot Tables, Smart Arts, Charts;   Page Layout, Review and View Menus; Converting Text to Columns, Removing Duplicates, Data Validation, Grouping and Ungrouping. 

Teaching Hours:11

Spreadsheet - Workbook - Cell Referencing, Cell Addressing, File Menu; Home Menu, Conditional Formatting, Formatting as a Table, Cell Styles, AutoSum, Sort and Filter; Insert Menu, Inserting Tables and Pivot Tables, Smart Arts, Charts;   Page Layout, Review and View Menus; Converting Text to Columns, Removing Duplicates, Data Validation, Grouping and Ungrouping. 

Teaching Hours:12
Financial, Logical and Text Functions

Financial Functions: Depreciation (DB, DDB, VDB), Simple Interest (PMT, NPER, INTRATE) - Present Value, Net Present Value, Future Value ( PV, NPV, FV) - Internal Rate of Return (IRR, MIRR); Logical Functions: AND, OR,NOT, IF, TRUE; Text Functions: UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, RIGHT, TRIM, T, TEXT, LEN, DOLLAR, EXACT; Practical exercises based on Financial, Logical and Text functions

Teaching Hours:12
Financial, Logical and Text Functions

Financial Functions: Depreciation (DB, DDB, VDB), Simple Interest (PMT, NPER, INTRATE) - Present Value, Net Present Value, Future Value ( PV, NPV, FV) - Internal Rate of Return (IRR, MIRR); Logical Functions: AND, OR,NOT, IF, TRUE; Text Functions: UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, RIGHT, TRIM, T, TEXT, LEN, DOLLAR, EXACT; Practical exercises based on Financial, Logical and Text functions

Teaching Hours:12
Financial, Logical and Text Functions

Financial Functions: Depreciation (DB, DDB, VDB), Simple Interest (PMT, NPER, INTRATE) - Present Value, Net Present Value, Future Value ( PV, NPV, FV) - Internal Rate of Return (IRR, MIRR); Logical Functions: AND, OR,NOT, IF, TRUE; Text Functions: UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, RIGHT, TRIM, T, TEXT, LEN, DOLLAR, EXACT; Practical exercises based on Financial, Logical and Text functions

Teaching Hours:12
Financial, Logical and Text Functions

Financial Functions: Depreciation (DB, DDB, VDB), Simple Interest (PMT, NPER, INTRATE) - Present Value, Net Present Value, Future Value ( PV, NPV, FV) - Internal Rate of Return (IRR, MIRR); Logical Functions: AND, OR,NOT, IF, TRUE; Text Functions: UPPER, LOWER, LEFT, RIGHT, TRIM, T, TEXT, LEN, DOLLAR, EXACT; Practical exercises based on Financial, Logical and Text functions

Teaching Hours:10
Statistical and Reference Functions

Statistical Functions: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Skewness, F Test, Z Test, Chi-Square Analysis; Date & Time Functions: DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS360, NOW, TIME, TIMEVALUE, WORKDAY, WEEKDAY, YEAR; Lookup and Reference Functions: HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, TRANSPOSE, GETPIVOTDATA, HYPERLINK; Practical Exercises based on Statistical, Date & Time, Lookup and Reference functions.

Teaching Hours:10
Statistical and Reference Functions

Statistical Functions: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Skewness, F Test, Z Test, Chi-Square Analysis; Date & Time Functions: DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS360, NOW, TIME, TIMEVALUE, WORKDAY, WEEKDAY, YEAR; Lookup and Reference Functions: HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, TRANSPOSE, GETPIVOTDATA, HYPERLINK; Practical Exercises based on Statistical, Date & Time, Lookup and Reference functions.

Teaching Hours:10
Statistical and Reference Functions

Statistical Functions: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Skewness, F Test, Z Test, Chi-Square Analysis; Date & Time Functions: DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS360, NOW, TIME, TIMEVALUE, WORKDAY, WEEKDAY, YEAR; Lookup and Reference Functions: HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, TRANSPOSE, GETPIVOTDATA, HYPERLINK; Practical Exercises based on Statistical, Date & Time, Lookup and Reference functions.

Teaching Hours:10
Statistical and Reference Functions

Statistical Functions: Mean, Median, Mode, Standard Deviation, Correlation, Skewness, F Test, Z Test, Chi-Square Analysis; Date & Time Functions: DATE, DATEVALUE, DAY, DAYS360, NOW, TIME, TIMEVALUE, WORKDAY, WEEKDAY, YEAR; Lookup and Reference Functions: HLOOKUP, VLOOKUP, TRANSPOSE, GETPIVOTDATA, HYPERLINK; Practical Exercises based on Statistical, Date & Time, Lookup and Reference functions.

Teaching Hours:12
Projects and Applications

Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Payroll Processing, Marketing, Sales and Advertising Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing Analysis, Basic applications with Macros and VBAs; Trending business applications using MS Excel

Teaching Hours:12
Projects and Applications

Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Payroll Processing, Marketing, Sales and Advertising Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing Analysis, Basic applications with Macros and VBAs; Trending business applications using MS Excel

Teaching Hours:12
Projects and Applications

Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Payroll Processing, Marketing, Sales and Advertising Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing Analysis, Basic applications with Macros and VBAs; Trending business applications using MS Excel

Teaching Hours:12
Projects and Applications

Ratio Analysis, Cash Flow Statement, Payroll Processing, Marketing, Sales and Advertising Data Analytics, Social Media Marketing Analysis, Basic applications with Macros and VBAs; Trending business applications using MS Excel

Text Books And Reference Books:

Microsoft Excel Essential Hints and Tips Fundamental hints and tips to kick start your Excel skills By Diane Griffiths Published, 2015 edition.

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Outline:


Assessment Component




Part A: MCQ Test on unit 1 & 2

Part B: Creating short videos on unit 1 & 2




Part A: Group Assignment on unit 2

Part B: MCQ Test on unit 2, 3& 4




Record Book submission and Practical examination









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course introduces the students to basic Concepts of banking - its various segments- functioning- activities and regulations. It also introduces the student to the basic principles of insurance- types of insurance and its legal framework in India. Through this course the student gets an understanding of both the sectors and learns to appreciate the importance of these sectors in the growth of the Economy.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand the origin and growth of banking in India.

CO2: Differentiate the various negotiable instruments.

CO3: Analyze the recent technological developments in Banking.

CO4: Enumerate the significance of Principles of Insurance.

CO5: Explain the various types of Insurance products.

CO6: Summarize about the regulation and legal framework of the Indian insurance system.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Banking


Origin of banking: Definition –Development of Banking in India- banker and customer relationship - General and special types of customers - Types of deposits - Deposit Accounts - Opening Operations and Closure of  Fixed Deposit Account - Recurring Account - Savings Account -Current Account - Deposit Schemes for NRIs – Types of Loans and Advances - Principles of Sound lending - Secured vs. Unsecured Advances - Advances against various securities – Priority sector lending  Types of banks - Commercial Banks- Origin and growth of commercial banks in India - Functions of Commercial Banks - Cooperative Banks- Regional Rural Banks- Agriculture and Rural Development Banks - Development Banks and NBFCs - Financial Services offered by banks - Changing role of commercial banks - Reserve Bank of India - Powers & Functions – Monetary Policy – Credit Control Measures.


Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:6
Negotiable Instrument Act

Negotiable Instruments Act –Meaning-Characteristics- Types if NI- Cheques - Meaning - Precautions before honouring a cheque-Circumstances under which a cheque can be dishonoured – Crossing and endorsement - meaning- definitions- types and rules of crossing. Endorsement – Definition - Kinds of endorsement – Significance of endorsement – Paying Banker - Duties and Protection to paying banker- Collecting bankers – Duties - Statutory protection for holder in due course- Concept of negligence – Case Laws on Responsibility of Paying and Collecting Bank

Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Bank Lending, Banking Sector Reforms & Trends



Genesis of modern banking in India- Compliance with KYC norms- Banking sector reforms- Emerging trends and issues in banking: Inclusive banking (financial inclusion)- Basel No Frills account, electronic payments- Digital Banking - Meaning- Benefits- Home banking- Mobile banking- Virtual banking- Payment Banking-E-payments- ATM Card/Biometric card- Debit/Credit card- Smart card-Prepaid Instruments- NEFT- RTGS- ECS (credit/debit)- E-money- Electronic purse- Digital cash – Impact of IT on Banks- Neo banks- ASBA- payment banks-e-wallet- Norms I, II & III-Non-Performing Assets – SARFAESI Act- Banking Sector Reforms.Policy rates (CRR- SLR- Repo and Reverse Repo- Bank Rate- MSF etc.) Capital adequacy requirements: Tier 1 capital, Tier 2 Capital, , Bancassurance, ALM: concept, components, functions, process-Anti Money Laundering-Bankruptcy code. 


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Insurance

Risk and the Business Model of InsurancePerils andHazards – Physical, Moral, Morale, General Principles of an Insurance Contract – Specific Principles of Insurance - Utmost good faith (including Law of Contra Proferentum) - Insurable Interest in Life and General – Indemnity (Working out problems) Under insurance Average clause in indmenity- Proximate cause (with life and General insurance cases) - Subrogation (Suing righst and Scrap value with calculation) Contribution, Mitigation of Loss – Application of principles to Life and General.

Underwriting –General Meaning of Underwriting ,Premium – Meaning and General basis for calculation of premium for Life and General , Other terms – Riders, Clauses , Conditions , Warranties , Covers, Add on covers , Claim, Repudiation, Reinsurance


Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:16
Types of Insurance

Types of Insurance:

Life Insurance meaning – Plans -Term, Endowment, Money back policy – Whole life plan – Child life plans ; Aspects of Premium calculation for a basic Life Insurance plan

Non-life - Fire – Marine Cargo and Marine Hull  – Motor (Own Damage and Third party damage) - Personal Accident – Health – Engineering - Liability – Other new Insurance Products – Undewrting aspects, Premium calculation aspects and Settlement of Claims of Non life Insurance products (Fire, Marine, Motor and Health) - (Clauses and conditions for Fire, Marine Hull and Cargo , Motor, Personal Accident, Health , Engineering and Liability )

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Teaching Hours:2
Regulation & Legal Framework

Powers and Functions of IRDA , Salient features of IRDA ACT, LIC 1956, and GIC ACT 1972, Agency law and Insurance Ombudsman – Careers in Insurance sector- Responsibility of Insurance companies towards rural and social sector

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Gordon, E., Gupta, P.K. (2018). Banking and Insurance (1st ed.) Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.
  2. Murali,S. & Subbakrishna,,K.R. (2019).Bank Credit Management. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing House.


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

        Mishra, & Sukhwinder (2020) Banking Law and Practice. New Delhi: S.Chand Publications

        Periasamy,P. (2020) Principles and Practice of Insurance. Mumbai: Himalaya Publishing.

        IC - 01 – PRINCIPLES OF INSURANCE – Year of Edition 2020

        RBI Circulars and IRDA guidelines

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:


Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration










Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:60
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

The course intends to provide in-depth and comprehensive understanding of regulatory aspects of companies. The course enables students to acquire knowledge on district characteristic features of corporate form of organization and administrative aspects. The course also provides hands-on practical inputs on incorporation procedures, drafting MOA, AOA . minutes of meeting, drafting resolutions and other Documents

Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate comprehensive and understanding of those areas of the concept of the Companies (Private and Public) and its inherent characteristics that makes it different from other forms of organizations.

CO2: Discuss the various legal and regulatory rules about the genesis of a company, shareholders, directors, documents etc.

CO3: Discuss and apply the law governing various role played by different people like Promoters, Directors, Key Managerial Personnel (KMPs) and Company Secretaries in the successful functioning of a Company.

CO4: Discuss and explain the regulatory framework, mechanisms and laws relating to Meetings.

CO5: Discuss and apply the law governing corporate rescue and winding-up

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction and Jurisprudence of Company Law

History of Company Law and scope ;Company and its Characteristics; Doctrine of CorporateVeil and circumstances under which Corporate Veil can be lifted with case study, types of companies including one-person company, Conversion of private company to One Person company, small company and dormant company; association not for profit; illegal association and Limited Liability Partnership (LLP); formation of company and LLP, on-line filing of documents, promoters, their legal position, pre-incorporation contract; on-line registration of a company; Administration of Company Law [including National Company Law Tribunal (NCLT), National Company Law Appellate Tribunal (NCLAT), Special Courts].

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:15

Memorandum of association and its contents; Articles of association and its contents; Entrenchment clause, Doctrine of Ultravires, Doctrine of Constructive Notice and Doctrine of Indoor management, prospectus and its types; Misstatement in prospectus; liability for misstatements.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:16
Management and Administration of a Company

Management: Director and its Classification including Women directors, Independent director, Small shareholder’s director; Disqualifications, Director Identification Number (DIN); Their appointment; Legal positions, powers and duties; removal of directors; Key Managerial Personnel.

Meetings: Meetings of shareholders and board; Types of meeting, convening and conduct of meetings, Quorum,Agenda, proxy forms, Minutes book and Voting Methods including postal ballot, Ordinary and Special resolution,, drafting of resolutions, Circular Resolution, e-voting; Corporate Governance and Committee, Committees of Board of Directors - Audit Committee, Nomination and Remuneration Committee, Stakeholders Relationship Committee, Corporate Social Responsibility Committee, Grievance Redressal Committee.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Dividends, Secretarial Audit and Reports

Dividends, Accounts, Audit: Provisions relating to payment of Dividend, Interim dividend, Declaration of dividend out of reserves, provisions relating to Unpaid and unclaimed dividend, Provisions relating to Books of Account, IEPF with relation to Dividends; Secretarial Audit and report; Board’s Report.

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Teaching Hours:7
Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code 

Introduction to Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code: Historical Background; Need for the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016; Overall scheme of the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code; Important Definitions; Institutions under Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016. (Relevant case laws); Concept and modes of Winding Up. 

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Kapoor, N.D. (2023). Company Law & Secretarial Practice (13th ed.). New Delhi: Sultan Chand & Sons

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Company Law Study Material – Institute of Company Secretaries of India

2. MC Kuchhal. (2024) Modern Indian Company Law. Delhi:ShriMahavir Book Depot (Publishers)

3. GK Kapoor and Sanjay Dhamija. (2014) Company Law. Delhi. Bharat Law House

4. Anil Kumar. (2023) CorporateLaw.Delhi: Indian Book House

5. ReenaChadha and SumantChadha (2024).CorporateLaws.Delhi: Scholar Tech Press

6. Avtar Singh.(2023) Introduction to Company Law.Eastern Book Company


Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:


Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








ENG181-2 - ENGLISH (2024 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:45
No of Lecture Hours/Week:3
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description

  • To expose learners to a variety of texts to interact with
  • To help learners classify ideologies and be able to express the same
  • To expose learners to visual texts and its reading formulas
  • To help learners develop a taste to appreciate works of literature through the organization of language
  • To help develop critical thinking
  • To help learners appreciate literature and the language nuances that enhances its literary values
  • To help learners understand the relationship between the world around them and the text/literature
  • To help learners negotiate with content and infer meaning contextually
  • To help learners understand logical sequencing of content and process information

·         To help improve their communication skills for larger academic purposes and vocational purposes

·         To enable learners to learn the contextual use of words and the generic meaning

·         To enable learners to listen to audio content and infer contextual meaning

·         To enable learners to be able to speak for various purposes and occasions using context specific language and expressions

·         To enable learners to develop the ability to write for various purposes using suitable and precise language.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand how to engage with texts from various countries, historical, cultural specificities, and politics and develop the ability to reflect upon and comment on texts with various themes

CO2: Develop an analytical and critical bent of mind to compare and analyze the various literature they read and discuss in class

CO3: Develop the ability to communicate both orally and in writing for various purposes

Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:4

Presentation skills

Teaching Hours:4

Witches’ Loaves

O Henry


Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:6

Report writing

Teaching Hours:6

In the Height of Fashion-Henry Lawson

Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:4

Resume Writing

Teaching Hours:4

The Story of Mumbai Dabbawalas- ShivaniPandita


Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:3


By Rudyard Kipling

Teaching Hours:3

Interview skills and CV writing

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

Who were the Shudras?

By Dr Ambedkar



Teaching Hours:4

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:3


By JayantaMahapatra

Teaching Hours:3

Developing arguments- debating

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:4

email writing

Teaching Hours:4
Social Media

An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge by Ambrose Bierce

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Teaching Hours:2
Social Media

Truth in the time of Social Media' by Girish Balachandran

Text Books And Reference Books:

ENGlogue 1

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

teacher manual and worksheets that teachers would provide. Listening skills worksheets.

Evaluation Pattern

CIA1- 20


CIA3- 20

ESE- 50


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description:

This course provides comprehensive understanding of corporate accounting practices and presentation of financial statements as per legal requirements in the organizations. It provides an overview of the corporate practice in maintaining the books as per accounting standards especially in company final accounts, underwriting of shares and debentures, valuation of goodwill and shares etc.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Estimate underwriters' liability and be able to pass journal entries in the books of the company.

CO2: Structure and construct the income statement and balance sheet of a company according the schedule III of companies Act 2013

CO3: Illustrate journal entries and prepare ledger accounts for the redemption of debentures 

CO4: Estimate the value of goodwill under various methods

CO5: Estimate the value of shares of a company under Net assets, Earning capacity and fair value method

CO6: Distinguish between pre and post incorporation profits by constructing a statement- Profit prior of incorporation of a company.

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1: Underwriting of Shares and Debentures

Introduction – Meaning of underwriting – Underwriting commission – Types of underwriting – Marked and Unmarked applications – Calculation of underwriters liability– Journal Entries in the books of company on underwriters liability.

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1: Underwriting of Shares and Debentures

Introduction – Meaning of underwriting – Underwriting commission – Types of underwriting – Marked and Unmarked applications – Calculation of underwriters liability– Journal Entries in the books of company on underwriters liability.

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 1: Underwriting of Shares and Debentures

Introduction – Meaning of underwriting – Underwriting commission – Types of underwriting – Marked and Unmarked applications – Calculation of underwriters liability– Journal Entries in the books of company on underwriters liability.

Teaching Hours:16
Unit 2: Final Accounts of Companies

Framework for preparation and presentation of Financial Statements – Compliance with Accounting standards- Form and contents of Statement of Profit or Loss and Balance Sheet as per SCHEDULE III (Division ii) – General Instructions for preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet – Disposal of company profits – dividend tax deducted at source -Declaration of dividends out of reserves-Transfer to Reserves etc., excluding calculation of managerial remuneration.

Teaching Hours:16
Unit 2: Final Accounts of Companies

Framework for preparation and presentation of Financial Statements – Compliance with Accounting standards- Form and contents of Statement of Profit or Loss and Balance Sheet as per SCHEDULE III (Division ii) – General Instructions for preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet – Disposal of company profits – dividend tax deducted at source -Declaration of dividends out of reserves-Transfer to Reserves etc., excluding calculation of managerial remuneration.

Teaching Hours:16
Unit 2: Final Accounts of Companies

Framework for preparation and presentation of Financial Statements – Compliance with Accounting standards- Form and contents of Statement of Profit or Loss and Balance Sheet as per SCHEDULE III (Division ii) – General Instructions for preparation of Statement of Profit and Loss and Balance Sheet – Disposal of company profits – dividend tax deducted at source -Declaration of dividends out of reserves-Transfer to Reserves etc., excluding calculation of managerial remuneration.

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 3: Redemption of Debentures

Meaning of debentures – Types of debentures - Redemption of debentures- Methods of redemption – problems on conversion method -problems on buying own debentures from open market (including ex-interest and cum interest quotations) – problems on redemption using sinking fund method  

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 3: Redemption of Debentures

Meaning of debentures – Types of debentures - Redemption of debentures- Methods of redemption – problems on conversion method -problems on buying own debentures from open market (including ex-interest and cum interest quotations) – problems on redemption using sinking fund method  

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 3: Redemption of Debentures

Meaning of debentures – Types of debentures - Redemption of debentures- Methods of redemption – problems on conversion method -problems on buying own debentures from open market (including ex-interest and cum interest quotations) – problems on redemption using sinking fund method  

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 4: Valuation of Goodwill and Shares

Valuation of Goodwill – Meaning of Goodwill – Need for Valuation of Goodwill – Factors Affecting Valuation of Goodwill – Methods of Valuation – Average Profit Method – Super Profit Method – Annuity Method-Capitalization Method-Valuation of Shares – Need for Valuation –Factors Affecting valuation of Shares- Net Asset Method – Yield Method – Fair Value-Practical Problems

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 4: Valuation of Goodwill and Shares

Valuation of Goodwill – Meaning of Goodwill – Need for Valuation of Goodwill – Factors Affecting Valuation of Goodwill – Methods of Valuation – Average Profit Method – Super Profit Method – Annuity Method-Capitalization Method-Valuation of Shares – Need for Valuation –Factors Affecting valuation of Shares- Net Asset Method – Yield Method – Fair Value-Practical Problems

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 4: Valuation of Goodwill and Shares

Valuation of Goodwill – Meaning of Goodwill – Need for Valuation of Goodwill – Factors Affecting Valuation of Goodwill – Methods of Valuation – Average Profit Method – Super Profit Method – Annuity Method-Capitalization Method-Valuation of Shares – Need for Valuation –Factors Affecting valuation of Shares- Net Asset Method – Yield Method – Fair Value-Practical Problems

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5: Profit Prior to Incorporation

Meaning – Calculation of Profit with the help of Time –Sales – Weighted Ratio’s- Ascertainment of Profit or Loss Prior to Incorporation-Problems related to Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts based on sales ratios, time ratios and weighted ratios.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5: Profit Prior to Incorporation

Meaning – Calculation of Profit with the help of Time –Sales – Weighted Ratio’s- Ascertainment of Profit or Loss Prior to Incorporation-Problems related to Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts based on sales ratios, time ratios and weighted ratios.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 5: Profit Prior to Incorporation

Meaning – Calculation of Profit with the help of Time –Sales – Weighted Ratio’s- Ascertainment of Profit or Loss Prior to Incorporation-Problems related to Trading and Profit and Loss Accounts based on sales ratios, time ratios and weighted ratios.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Reading:

1. Jain S.P., Narang K.L., AgrawalSimmi (2021). Advanced Accounting. New Delhi: Kalyani Publishers.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended reading:

1. S. Anil Kumar, B. Mariyappa and V. Rajesh Kumar (2021) Corporate Accounting (1St Edition). Mumbai: Himalayan Publishing House.

2. M.C. Shukla, T.S. Grewal & S.C. Gupta (2018) Advanced Accountancy. New Delhi: S. Chand & Company Ltd.

3. R.L. Gupta & M. Radhaswamy (2019), Advanced Accountancy. New Delhi: S Chand & Sons. 

4. Dr. Maheshwari S.N.&Dr. Maheshwari S.K, Advanced Accountancy, (2021), Vol.1, Vol.-2.New Delhi: Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.


Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:


Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration










Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course intends to provide a basic understanding of the insurance mechanism. It explains the concept of insurance and how it is used to cover risk. How insurance is transacted as a business and how the insurance market operates is also explained. The relationship between insurers and their customers and the importance of insurance contracts are discussed. Some commonly used insurance terms are also listed out. An overview of major life insurance and general insurance products is included as well.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate the functional framework of Insurance Corporation.

CO2: Sketch the evolution of Insurance in India.

CO3: Interpret the different principles underlying the insurance contract.

CO4: Illustrate the scope of the Insurance market in India.

CO5: Employ the different insurance products in real-life situations.

Teaching Hours:5
Risk Management

Provides an understanding of risk management–different types of risks actual and consequential losses–management of risks –loss minimization techniques.



Teaching Hours:5
Risk Management

Provides an understanding of risk management–different types of risks actual and consequential losses–management of risks –loss minimization techniques.



Teaching Hours:5
Risk Management

Provides an understanding of risk management–different types of risks actual and consequential losses–management of risks –loss minimization techniques.



Teaching Hours:5
The Concept of Insurance and its Evolution

The basics and nature of insurance – evolution and nature of insurance – how insurance operates today – different classes of insurance – importance of insurance – how insurance take scare of unexpected eventualities.



Teaching Hours:5
The Concept of Insurance and its Evolution

The basics and nature of insurance – evolution and nature of insurance – how insurance operates today – different classes of insurance – importance of insurance – how insurance take scare of unexpected eventualities.



Teaching Hours:5
The Concept of Insurance and its Evolution

The basics and nature of insurance – evolution and nature of insurance – how insurance operates today – different classes of insurance – importance of insurance – how insurance take scare of unexpected eventualities.



Teaching Hours:6
The Business of Insurance

Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of premiums –reinsurance and its importance for insurers–role of insurance in economic development and social security–contribution of insurance to the society.

Teaching Hours:6
The Business of Insurance

Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of premiums –reinsurance and its importance for insurers–role of insurance in economic development and social security–contribution of insurance to the society.

Teaching Hours:6
The Business of Insurance

Management of risk by individuals – management of risk by insurers – fixing of premiums –reinsurance and its importance for insurers–role of insurance in economic development and social security–contribution of insurance to the society.

Teaching Hours:6
The Insurance Market

TThe various constituents of the insurance market–operations of insurance companies-operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance companies – insurance specialists – the role of regulators–other bodies connected with insurance. Understanding insurance customers – different customer needs – importance of customers –customer mindsets – customer satisfaction – customer behavior at purchase point – customer behavior when claim occurs–importance of ethical behavior.

Teaching Hours:6
The Insurance Market

TThe various constituents of the insurance market–operations of insurance companies-operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance companies – insurance specialists – the role of regulators–other bodies connected with insurance. Understanding insurance customers – different customer needs – importance of customers –customer mindsets – customer satisfaction – customer behavior at purchase point – customer behavior when claim occurs–importance of ethical behavior.

Teaching Hours:6
The Insurance Market

TThe various constituents of the insurance market–operations of insurance companies-operations of intermediaries – specialist insurance companies – insurance specialists – the role of regulators–other bodies connected with insurance. Understanding insurance customers – different customer needs – importance of customers –customer mindsets – customer satisfaction – customer behavior at purchase point – customer behavior when claim occurs–importance of ethical behavior.

Teaching Hours:10
The Insurance Contract

Terms of an insurance contract– principles which form the foundations of insurance–significance of the principle of insurable interest – the principle of indemnity – the principle of subrogation – the principle of contribution – disclosure of all relevant information  principle of utmost good faith–the relevance of proximate cause–the insurance contract.





Teaching Hours:10
The Insurance Contract

Terms of an insurance contract– principles which form the foundations of insurance–significance of the principle of insurable interest – the principle of indemnity – the principle of subrogation – the principle of contribution – disclosure of all relevant information  principle of utmost good faith–the relevance of proximate cause–the insurance contract.





Teaching Hours:10
The Insurance Contract

Terms of an insurance contract– principles which form the foundations of insurance–significance of the principle of insurable interest – the principle of indemnity – the principle of subrogation – the principle of contribution – disclosure of all relevant information  principle of utmost good faith–the relevance of proximate cause–the insurance contract.





Teaching Hours:8
Insurance Terminology

Common terms used in insurance – terms common to both life and non – life insurance – terms are specific to life and non–life insurance–how insurance terms are used.

Teaching Hours:8
Insurance Terminology

Common terms used in insurance – terms common to both life and non – life insurance – terms are specific to life and non–life insurance–how insurance terms are used.

Teaching Hours:8
Insurance Terminology

Common terms used in insurance – terms common to both life and non – life insurance – terms are specific to life and non–life insurance–how insurance terms are used.

Teaching Hours:10
Life Insurance products

The risk of dying early–the risk of living too long–different products offered by life insurers–term plans–pure endowment plans–combinations of plans–traditional products–linked policies–features of annuities and group policies.

Teaching Hours:10
Life Insurance products

The risk of dying early–the risk of living too long–different products offered by life insurers–term plans–pure endowment plans–combinations of plans–traditional products–linked policies–features of annuities and group policies.

Teaching Hours:10
Life Insurance products

The risk of dying early–the risk of living too long–different products offered by life insurers–term plans–pure endowment plans–combinations of plans–traditional products–linked policies–features of annuities and group policies.

Teaching Hours:10
General Insurance Products

Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils – features of products covering fire and allied perils–products covering marine and transit risks; products covering financial losses due to accidents–products covering financial losses due to hospitalization products covering miscellaneous risks.

Teaching Hours:10
General Insurance Products

Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils – features of products covering fire and allied perils–products covering marine and transit risks; products covering financial losses due to accidents–products covering financial losses due to hospitalization products covering miscellaneous risks.

Teaching Hours:10
General Insurance Products

Risks faced by the owner of assets – exposure to perils – features of products covering fire and allied perils–products covering marine and transit risks; products covering financial losses due to accidents–products covering financial losses due to hospitalization products covering miscellaneous risks.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Reading:

Insurance Institute of India.(2016). IC 01 - Principles of Insurance, (Revised Edition)



Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading:

Pal,K.,Bodla,B.S.,&Garg,M.C.(2008). Insurancemanagement–Principles and Practices.Deep and DeepPublishers.

Gupta,P.K.(2010). Fundamentals of Insurance. Himalaya Publishing House.

Gulati,N.C.(2007). Principles of Insurance Management. Excel Books

Evaluation Pattern

Students are evaluated for each paper on the basis of written examination and continuous internal assessment (CIA). Each paper carries maximum of 100 marks and is evaluated as follows:



Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COM101-3 - BUSINESS ANALYTICS (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This course offers a comprehensive introduction to business analytics, focusing on essential principles and methodologies for extracting actionable insights from data to facilitate informed decision-making in diverse organizational contexts. Covering descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analytics, students will learn to analyze, visualize, and model data effectively, employing statistical techniques, probability distributions, and regression analysis. Emphasis is placed on practical applications, with hands-on experience in database analytics, data visualization, and predictive modeling. Additionally, students will explore prescriptive analytics methods such as linear and nonlinear optimization, simulation, and risk analysis to optimize decision-making processes. Through a combination of theoretical foundations and practical exercises, students will develop the skills necessary to harness the power of data for strategic decision-making and organizational success.

Course Objectives

  • To master foundational principles and develop proficiency in descriptive analytics techniques for summarizing and interpreting data.
  • To gain practical experience in predictive analytics, including trend analysis, regression modeling, and forecasting, and acquire skills in prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making through linear and nonlinear optimization methods.
  • To apply analytical tools and techniques to real-world business scenarios, fostering strategic decision-making and organizational improvement.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Demonstrate the foundational principles and methodologies of business analytics.

CO2: Develop proficiency in descriptive analytics techniques for summarizing and interpreting data.

CO3: Gain practical experience in predictive analytics, including trend analysis, regression modeling, and forecasting.

CO4: Acquire skills in prescriptive analytics to optimize decision-making through linear and nonlinear optimization methods.

CO5: Apply analytical tools and techniques to real-world business scenarios, fostering strategic decision-making and organizational improvement.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Business Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual 

Business Analytics – Evolution of Business Analytics - Concept of analytics and its significance in decision-making processes. Understanding the science behind data-driven decision-making in various business contexts. Exploring the 5V's of data (Volume, Velocity, Variety, Veracity, and Value) and their impact on analytics. Types of Analytics: Descriptive, Predictive, and Prescriptive, and their respective purposes. Examining the Business Analytics maturity curve and its implications. Application fields of Business Analytics: Marketing, Finance, HR, Operations, Sports, Healthcare, etc. Framework for Data-Driven Decision Making and Analytics Capability Building. Roadmap for developing analytics capabilities within organizations. Challenges in Data-Driven Decision Making and Future Trends in Business Analytics. Problem-solving methodologies with analytics. CRISP Framework for Business Analytics.


Cases on data-driven decision-making 

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:10
Descriptive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Applications

Introduction to Descriptive Analytics, Data Types - Structured and Unstructured Data, Cross-Sectional, Time Series, and Panel Data. Types of Data Measurement Scales, Measures of Central Tendency, Percentile, Decile, and Quartile, Measures of Variation, Measures of Shape-Skewness and Kurtosis. Frequency Distribution and Histogram. Correlation analysis, Data Visualization – Histogram, Bar chart, Pie Chart, Scatter Plot using Excel. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Exercises And Cases: Descriptive Analytics

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:16
Predictive Analytics

Level of Knowledge: Analytical and Applications

Modeling Relationships and Trends in Data,  Analytics in Practice: Using Predictive Trendline Models, Simple Linear Regression, Finding the Best-Fitting Regression Line,  Using Regression Models for Prediction, Least-Squares Regression, Simple Linear Regression with Excel, Regression as Analysis of Variance, Testing Hypotheses for Regression Coefficients,  Confidence Intervals for Regression Coefficients, Residual Analysis, and Regression Assumptions, Checking Assumptions, Multiple Linear Regression, Analytics in Practice: Using Linear Regression and Interactive Risk Simulators to Predict Performance, Building Good Regression Models, Correlation and Multicollinearity, Practical Issues in Trendline and Regression Modeling, Regression with Categorical Independent Variables, Categorical Variables with More Than Two Levels. Application of these concepts in the fields of finance, human resources, marketing, etc.


Case and Exercise: Predictive Analytics  

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:12
Prescriptive Analytics and Decision-Making

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Optimization Model – Elements of Optimization model. Assumptions of Linear Programming. Developing a Linear Optimization Model for a business scenario.  Formulating Decision problem – Decision outcome with and without outcome probabilities.


Exercises and Cases: Prescriptive and Decision Analysis. 

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Teaching Hours:10
Trends in Business Analytics and Data Visualization

Level of Knowledge: Application and Analytical 

Data Mining - Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Fundamentals of AI and ML -

Applications of AI/ML in business analytics. IoT and Sensor Data Analytics - Internet of Things (IoT) and its impact on data generation - Sensor data analytics for predictive maintenance, supply chain optimization, etc. Case studies and industry examples. Blockchain and Data Security - Overview of blockchain technology - Applications in data security and integrity - Implications for business analytics and data management.


Data Visualization - Introduction to advanced visualization techniques (e.g., interactive visualizations, geospatial visualizations) - Emerging trends in data visualization (e.g., VR/AR, storytelling with data) - Practical exercises using visualization tools.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  • James R. Evans, Business Analytics, 3rd Edition, John Wiley & Sons, 2007
  • Frank J. Ohlhorst, Big Data Analytics, 1st Edition, Wiley, 2012.
  • Efraim Turban, Ramesh Sharda, Jay Aronson, David King, Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, 9th Edition, Pearson Education, 2009.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  • Microsoft Office 2007 Business Intelligence - Reporting, Analysis, and Measurement from the Desktop, Doug Harts, TATA McGraw-Hill Edition, 2008
  •  Data Mining for Business Intelligence: Concepts, Techniques, and Applications in Microsoft Office Excel with XLMiner, GalitShmueli, Nitin R. Patel, Peter C. Bruce, Wiley Publication, 2010
  • The New Science of Retailing: How Analytics are Transforming the Supply Chain and Improving Performance, Ananth Raman, Marshall Fisher, HBR Book Press, 2010
  • Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann Publication, 3rd Edition, 2011.
  • Decision Support and Business Intelligence Systems, Turban, E., Aronson, JE., Liang, T. Sharda R, Prentice Hall Publisher, 10th Edition, 2011.
  • Data Science for Business – What you need to know about data mining and data-analytic thinking, Foster Provost, Tom Fawcelt, O’ Reilly Media Publication, 2013


Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Multiple choice questions. Unit 1 



Project on descriptive data analysis and Q & A session. Unit 2



Project on predictive data analysis and Q & A session. Unit 3



A case study on prescriptive analysis and Q & A session. Unit 4



Part A: Multiple Choice Questions

Part B: Research Project (covering descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analysis and data visualization) All units









Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description



Course Descrption:

This course is designed to provide commerce students with an opportunity to engage in meaningful service learning activities in their local community. Through a combination of classroom instruction, reflection, and hands-on service, students will gain knowledge and skills on the importance of civic engagement and its impact on the community. Students will be able to use domain specific knowledge to co create solutions in the community. Students will learn about the need for service-learning in the business world, the benefits of service-learning, and the various ways in which service-learning can be implemented.

Course Objectives:


The Service-Learning course enables students to integrate commerce knowledge with real-world applications, emphasizing critical thinking, communication, leadership, and social responsibility. Students actively participate in community service projects, applying analytical skills to address business challenges and reflecting on their learning. The course promotes academic and practical learning synthesis, fostering personal growth and a sense of social responsibility. Students have ample opportunities to demonstrate leadership roles, and through collaborative efforts, they complete meaningful service projects. This course allows students to hone their personal, interpersonal, and social skills through service learning.


Learning Outcome

CO1: To demonstrate their ability to apply commerce knowledge to real-world situations, communicate effectively with diverse groups of people, work collaboratively in teams.

CO2: To reflect on their experiences before, during, and after the service learning project, and assess the individuals' skills developed.

CO3: To exhibit teamwork in the planning and execution of meaningful service learning projects and report presentation.

CO4: To showcase appreciation for the discipline knowledge through service learning initiatives in the field of commerce.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Service learning and Community Engagement

Service-Learning: The Concept, Objectives, and Scope; Need for Community and Academia. Exploring the Intersection of Business and Community Impact, Overview of Service-Learning Types of Service-Learning, Stages in Service Learning Needs Assessment: Identifying community partners, Conducting needs assessment, Community mapping, Reflecting on Personal Expectations and Preconceptions, Finalizing the community for service learning project.

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Planning and Designing Service Learning Projects

Investigating Community Problems and Aligning Course Objectives and Outcomes, Identifying Relevant Literature for the problem, PRA tools, Reflection: Kolb's Model of Experiential Learning, Types of reflection, Reflective Journals and Diary, Planning and Designing the Service Learning Project (Block 8 Model), Plan for Effective Implementation, Reflect on Challenges, Reciprocal Learning Moments, and Adaptations

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Theoretical Models and Impact Analysis

Exploring Theoretical Models for Solving Community Problems and Understanding Their Applicability, Reflections on the Selected Model for the service learning project, Presentation of possible Impact and Effectiveness of the Service Learning Project, Executing the service learning Project, Preparing and Delivering Project Deliverables, Review the project and conduct impact analysis

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Teaching Hours:15
Project Outcomes and Reflection

Excution of service learning project, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Celebrating Achievements, and Reflecting on the Overall Service-Learning Experience, Showcasing Project Outcomes, Final review and assessment.

Text Books And Reference Books:
  1. Cipolle, S. B. (2010). Service-learning and Social Justice: Engaging Students in Social Change. United States: Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
  2. Hatcher, J.A., Clayton, P.H., & Bringle, R.G. (2013). Research on Service Learning: Conceptual Frameworks and Assessments: Students and Faculty.  United States: Stylus Publishing.
  3. Eyler, J., Giles, D. E. Jr., & Schmiede, A. (2015). Service Learning: A Guide to Planning, Implementing, and Assessing Student Projects (2nd ed.). Publisher.
  4. Kaye, C. B. (2004). "The Complete Guide to Service Learning: Proven, Practical Ways to Engage Students in Civic Responsibility, Academic Curriculum, & Social Action." Free Spirit Publishing.
Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Service-Learning in Business: A Guide to Integrating Community Engagement into the Business Curriculum, by Robert G. Bringle and Julie A. Hatcher (2015).
  2. Cress, C. M., Collier, P. J., Reitenauer, V. L., & Associates. (1962). Learning through Serving: A Student Guidebook for Service-Learning and Civic Engagement Across Academic Disciplines and Cultural Communities. Publisher.
Evaluation Pattern

Component 1: Needs Assessment and Community Mapping (20 marks)

Students must form groups to identify a community partner and dedicate two hours per week, totalling 30 plus hours throughout the semester, to participate in supervised community engagement The activities can include sensitising children and youth, organizing community events, conducting need assessments, and raising awareness about issues affecting the rights and interests of the community. At the beginning, students are required to prepare the 8-block model to guide the supervised community service. To conclude the required service-learning hours, students must obtain a certificate of completion from the community partner /submit feedback from and analysis from the community.

Assignment details: Individual submission

Learning outcomes:

At the successful completion of supervised community service field work students will be able to:

LO 1: Conduct the need assessment and design an effective intervention

LO2: Develop flexibility and adaptive skills for intervention.

LO3: Exhibits positive interaction with community.



Excellent (20-18)

Good (17-15)

Satisfactory (14-11)

Needs Improvement (10-5)

Identification of Problem & Its Significance

Thorough and exhaustive identification of the problem and its significance.

Comprehensive identification of the problem with a clear understanding of its significance.

Adequate identification of the problem, but with room for improvement in clarity and depth.

Lacks clarity in identifying the problem and its significance.

Regularity in Visiting and Journaling

Prompt and consistent visiting, with thorough journal submissions. Excellent reflection considering all three stages.

Good frequency in visiting and regular journal submissions. Satisfactory reflection with mentions of all three stages.

Adequate frequency in visiting and regular journal submissions. Moderate reflection quality lacking details at various levels.

Irregular visiting frequency, non-submission of journal work. Unsatisfactory reflection quality,

Community Engagement

Actively and meaningfully engages with the community, building rapport.

Engages with the community but may need improvement in connection.

Basic engagement with the community, showing awareness.

Minimal or no engagement with the community.

Adaptability and Flexibility

Demonstrates adaptability and flexibility in response to changes.

Adapts well to most situations but may encounter occasional challenges.

Shows some adaptability but struggles with unforeseen circumstances.

Resistant to change, finds it challenging to adapt.

Documentation and Record Keeping

Thorough and organized documentation of field experiences.

Adequate documentation with some room for improvement.

Basic documentation with minimal organization.

Poor or no documentation of field experiences.


Top of Form


Component 2: Service-Learning reflective journal (20 marks for individual Reflection)

Assessment description:

Assessment Description: Students are required to submit a reflective journal entry, documenting their experiences during the service-learning activities. Reflection is in depth and insightful analysis of personal experiences, actions, and their broader implications, delving into critical examination and self-awareness. It should bring connection to the reflective narrative and learning outcomes. The reflective piece not only provides personal insights and realizations but also embraces alternative perspectives, showcasing an open-mindedness and willingness to learn from diverse viewpoints. It should address challenges faced during the journey, offering a balanced narrative that includes both setbacks and successes. Reflection should be organized, clear, and authentic.


Assignment Details: Individual/Group Reflection

Learning outcomes:

ü  Students will demonstrate the ability to critically analyse personal experiences, actions, and their broader implications.

ü  Students will articulate how the experiential learning aligns with and contributes to their personal and/or academic growth.

ü  Students will recognize and articulate moments of self-discovery and increased awareness of their strengths and areas for improvement.

ü  Students will candidly identify and discuss challenges faced during their experiences, demonstrating resilience and problem-solving skills.










Needs Improvement


Depth of Reflection

Profound insights into personal growth and learning, exploring emotions, challenges, and critical analysis.

Meaningful reflection, demonstrating a good understanding of personal growth and learning.

Adequate reflection with some depth, touching on personal growth and learning.

Shallow reflection, lacking depth, and limited exploration of personal growth and learning.


Application of domain Knowledge

Effectively applies Domain knowledge to real-world experiences, demonstrating a deep understanding.


Applies domain knowledge to experiences, showcasing a solid understanding.


Demonstrates some application of domain knowledge to experiences.

Shows limited or no application of theoretical knowledge.


Cognitive Domain

Problem Solving

Applies problem-solving skills to address challenges encountered, proposing innovative solutions.

Demonstrates the ability to identify and address challenges, proposing practical solutions.


Displays basic problem-solving skills, but solutions may lack creativity or effectiveness.


Shows limited ability to identify and solve problems encountered.


Psychomotor Domain

Skill Development

Demonstrates advanced development of practical skills relevant to the experiences reflected upon.


Shows proficiency in acquiring and applying practical skills related to the experiences.


Demonstrates some development of practical skills, but may lack consistency or depth.


Shows limited or no development of practical skills.



Affective Domain


Displays a high level of self-awareness, recognizing emotions and their impact on actions and decisions

Demonstrates an awareness of personal emotions and their influence.


Displays some awareness of emotions, but the connection to actions may be limited.


Shows limited or no awareness of personal emotions and their influence.





Component 3 Weekly presentation and Group Activity and submissions


This assignment involves participating in weekly service-learning and group engagement activities to promote personal and professional growth. Each week, you will engage in activities, reflect on your experiences, and document your contributions. Your performance will be assessed based on your engagement, coordination of skills, connection to learning outcomes, emotional resilience, and critical analysis of challenges.


Learning Outcomes

Effective Teamwork and Cooperation:

Timely Submission and Responsibility:

Strategic Task Assignment and Execution

Negotiation and Collaboration










Needs Improvement

Nature of Contribution

Proactive Engagement: Actively seeks and engages in diverse learning opportunities, demonstrating a strong commitment to personal and professional growth.


Active Participation: Participates consistently in learning activities, contributing positively to the learning environment.


Limited Participation: Demonstrates limited engagement in learning activities, with sporadic contributions to the learning process.


Passive Participation: Shows minimal or passive participation in learning activities, contributing little to the learning environment.


Coordination and Integration

Integrates multiple skills seamlessly, demonstrating a high level of coordination.


Integrates skills effectively but may occasionally struggle with coordination.


Displays some coordination and integration of skills, but it may lack consistency.


Shows limited or no coordination and integration of skills.


Connection to Service-Learning Outcomes

Clear and explicit linkage between experiences and stated learning outcomes, showcasing a deep understanding.

Apparent connection to learning outcomes, demonstrating a good understanding of the service-learning goals.

Some connection to learning objectives, with a basic understanding of the service-learning goals.

Weak or unclear connection to learning objectives, lacking understanding of service-learning goals.

Emotional Resilience

Demonstrates resilience in the face of challenges, with the ability to bounce back and maintain a positive outlook.


Displays moderate resilience, managing challenges effectively but may struggle with prolonged setbacks.

Shows some ability to cope with challenges but may experience difficulty bouncing back.


Demonstrates limited or no resilience in the face of challenges.

Critical Analysis of Challenges

In-depth analysis of challenges faced, demonstrating a high level of critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Thorough analysis of challenges encountered, showcasing good critical thinking and problem-solving abilities.

Basic analysis of challenges, with some critical thinking evident.

Superficial analysis of challenges, lacking critical thinking and problem-solving skills.





Component 4: Service-Learning Report

Students are required to submit a comprehensive service-learning project report, highlighting their engagement, activities, and outcomes during the service-learning initiative. The report should be well-structured, demonstrating a clear connection between theoretical concepts, practical application, and meaningful service to the community. The assessment encompasses various aspects of the project, including the identification of community needs, the design and implementation of activities, challenges faced, and the overall impact achieved. Additionally, students are expected to provide the alignment of the project with academic content, ethical considerations, and project planning and implementation and mapping to SDGs









Needs improvement

Project Design

Excellent design reflective of the resources, timeframe, and needs, with a clear plan to assess outcomes; submitted the certificate on time.

Good design considering the needs of the community, reflective of resources and needs, with an appropriate plan to assess outcomes; submitted the certificate on time.

Design meets satisfactorily the requirements of the community, skill sets, and choice of community partner; resources and assessment plans are satisfactory; submitted the certificate on time.

Plan is not at all satisfactory, fails to meet the minimum requirements; submitted the certificate on time.

Meaningful Service

Exceptional engagement in meaningful service, showcasing a deep connection to the identified problem and its impact.

Active involvement in meaningful service, demonstrating a good connection to the identified problem and its impact.

Adequate engagement in meaningful service, but lacking a strong connection to the identified problem and its impact.

Limited engagement in meaningful service, with a weak connection to the identified problem and its impact.

Project implementation

Excellent choice of community partner which matches the need of community and student capacity, Effective implementation, expressed flexibility during the difficulties, achieved most of the proposed goals without fail, effective reflection

Choice of community partner, student capacity, implementation are good, could not foresee difficulties or express flexibility in face of difficulties, good reflection on the goals and plans

Satisfactory choices, and implementation, satisfactory level of reflection

Choices and implementation are not satisfactory, lacks reflection.

Project Outcome and Feedback

Exceptional project outcome with valuable feedback received, leading to continuous improvement and growth.

Positive project outcome with notable feedback received, contributing to improvement and growth.

Satisfactory project outcome with some feedback received, contributing to limited improvement and growth.

Limited project outcome with minimal feedback received, showing little impact on improvement or growth.

Mapping to SDGs or Academic Learning

Clear and comprehensive mapping of the project to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) or academic learning objectives, demonstrating a deep understanding.

Mapping of the project to SDGs or academic learning objectives is evident, demonstrating good understanding.

Some attempt at mapping the project to SDGs or academic learning objectives, but lacking clarity or depth.

Limited or unclear mapping of the project to SDGs or academic learning objectives.


Component 5: Service-Learning VIVA







Knowledge of Service Learning Project

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the service learning project, its objectives, and outcomes.

Demonstrates an exceptional understanding of the service learning project, its objectives, and outcomes.

Shows a solid understanding of the service learning project, including its objectives and outcomes.

Displays a satisfactory understanding of the service learning project, but with some gaps in knowledge.

Reflection on Personal Learning

Provides profound and insightful reflections on personal growth, challenges faced, and lessons learned during the service learning project.

Provides profound and insightful reflections on personal growth, challenges faced, and lessons learned during the service learning project.

Offers thoughtful reflections on personal growth, challenges, and lessons learned during the service learning project.

Provides basic reflections on personal growth, challenges, and lessons learned during the service learning project.

Analysis of Project Outcomes

Conducts a comprehensive analysis of the project outcomes, including its impact on the community and the achievement of objectives.

Conducts a thorough analysis of the project outcomes, highlighting its impact on the community and the achievement of objectives.

Conducts a basic analysis of the project outcomes, mentioning some impact on the community and partial achievement of objectives.

Fails to conduct a meaningful analysis of project outcomes.

Ability to Field Questions

Excellently responds to all questions with depth, clarity, and confidence, showcasing a deep understanding of the project.

Responds to questions with clarity and confidence, demonstrating a good understanding of the project.

Responds satisfactorily to questions, with some gaps in knowledge or clarity.

Struggles to respond to questions, displaying a lack of understanding of the project.

Overall Impact

Leaves a lasting positive impact, showcasing a deep commitment to service learning and a high level of preparedness.

Leaves a positive impact, demonstrating commitment to service learning and good preparedness.

Leaves a neutral or mixed impact, with some aspects demonstrating commitment, but with room for improvement in preparedness.

Leaves a negative impact, indicating a lack of commitment to service learning and poor preparedness.






Total Teaching Hours for Semester:15
No of Lecture Hours/Week:1
Max Marks:0

Course Objectives/Course Description


 The course aims at creating awareness about the fundamentals of Yoga and meditation and its effectiveness to promote Health and wellness through a Healthy Lifestyle

Learning Outcome

CO1: Learn basic yoga practices.

CO2: Understand and perform warm-up and conditioning activities.

CO3: Perform basic asanas and pranayama.

CO4: Practice by self adopting Yoga as a lifestyle

Teaching Hours:5
Conceptual and Application

Importance of Yoga and Fitness; Fundamental Principles of Yoga and Fitness Training; Basics of Human Anatomy and different systems and the impact of yoga on them; Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali. Sushma Vyayamas; sequence of the practice; and need based practice. Principles of training and variables of training; Components of Fitness; Concept of fitness; their types and importance;  Health-related fitness components.  Skill-related fitness components; Types of Yoga practices (Concepts) ▪ Asanas ▪ Pranayama ▪ Kriyas ▪ Dhyana • Considerations for the practice of Yoga and Fitness.

Teaching Hours:5
Conceptual and Application

Importance of Yoga and Fitness; Fundamental Principles of Yoga and Fitness Training; Basics of Human Anatomy and different systems and the impact of yoga on them; Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali. Sushma Vyayamas; sequence of the practice; and need based practice. Principles of training and variables of training; Components of Fitness; Concept of fitness; their types and importance;  Health-related fitness components.  Skill-related fitness components; Types of Yoga practices (Concepts) ▪ Asanas ▪ Pranayama ▪ Kriyas ▪ Dhyana • Considerations for the practice of Yoga and Fitness.

Teaching Hours:5
Conceptual and Application

Importance of Yoga and Fitness; Fundamental Principles of Yoga and Fitness Training; Basics of Human Anatomy and different systems and the impact of yoga on them; Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali. Sushma Vyayamas; sequence of the practice; and need based practice. Principles of training and variables of training; Components of Fitness; Concept of fitness; their types and importance;  Health-related fitness components.  Skill-related fitness components; Types of Yoga practices (Concepts) ▪ Asanas ▪ Pranayama ▪ Kriyas ▪ Dhyana • Considerations for the practice of Yoga and Fitness.

Teaching Hours:5
Conceptual and Application

Importance of Yoga and Fitness; Fundamental Principles of Yoga and Fitness Training; Basics of Human Anatomy and different systems and the impact of yoga on them; Yoga Sutras by Sage Patanjali. Sushma Vyayamas; sequence of the practice; and need based practice. Principles of training and variables of training; Components of Fitness; Concept of fitness; their types and importance;  Health-related fitness components.  Skill-related fitness components; Types of Yoga practices (Concepts) ▪ Asanas ▪ Pranayama ▪ Kriyas ▪ Dhyana • Considerations for the practice of Yoga and Fitness.

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptual and Application


Basic asanas and Surya namaskara - Shivananda style, Ashtanga A & B , Chandranamaskara  Shithilikaranavyayama (dynamic). • Suryanamaskara. • Standing asana -Trikonasana , Parivtratatrikonasana, Parsvakonanasana , Parivrataparsvakonasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana,  and sitting asanas -  Paschimuttanasana, Janusirsama, Dhanurasana. Prone and Supineasanas (02 asanas from each).

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptual and Application


Basic asanas and Surya namaskara - Shivananda style, Ashtanga A & B , Chandranamaskara  Shithilikaranavyayama (dynamic). • Suryanamaskara. • Standing asana -Trikonasana , Parivtratatrikonasana, Parsvakonanasana , Parivrataparsvakonasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana,  and sitting asanas -  Paschimuttanasana, Janusirsama, Dhanurasana. Prone and Supineasanas (02 asanas from each).

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptual and Application


Basic asanas and Surya namaskara - Shivananda style, Ashtanga A & B , Chandranamaskara  Shithilikaranavyayama (dynamic). • Suryanamaskara. • Standing asana -Trikonasana , Parivtratatrikonasana, Parsvakonanasana , Parivrataparsvakonasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana,  and sitting asanas -  Paschimuttanasana, Janusirsama, Dhanurasana. Prone and Supineasanas (02 asanas from each).

Teaching Hours:10
Conceptual and Application


Basic asanas and Surya namaskara - Shivananda style, Ashtanga A & B , Chandranamaskara  Shithilikaranavyayama (dynamic). • Suryanamaskara. • Standing asana -Trikonasana , Parivtratatrikonasana, Parsvakonanasana , Parivrataparsvakonasana, Vrikshasana, Garudasana,  and sitting asanas -  Paschimuttanasana, Janusirsama, Dhanurasana. Prone and Supineasanas (02 asanas from each).

Teaching Hours:10

Basic Pranayama - Vibhagiya pranayama (Sectional breathing), Kapalbhatti and Brahammari Pranayama Sukha Pranayama (Breath awareness), AnulomaViloma/NadiShuddhi, Surya AnulomaViloma/Surya BhedanaPranayama,  Chandra AnulomaViloma/Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.

Teaching Hours:10

Basic Pranayama - Vibhagiya pranayama (Sectional breathing), Kapalbhatti and Brahammari Pranayama Sukha Pranayama (Breath awareness), AnulomaViloma/NadiShuddhi, Surya AnulomaViloma/Surya BhedanaPranayama,  Chandra AnulomaViloma/Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.

Teaching Hours:10

Basic Pranayama - Vibhagiya pranayama (Sectional breathing), Kapalbhatti and Brahammari Pranayama Sukha Pranayama (Breath awareness), AnulomaViloma/NadiShuddhi, Surya AnulomaViloma/Surya BhedanaPranayama,  Chandra AnulomaViloma/Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.

Teaching Hours:10

Basic Pranayama - Vibhagiya pranayama (Sectional breathing), Kapalbhatti and Brahammari Pranayama Sukha Pranayama (Breath awareness), AnulomaViloma/NadiShuddhi, Surya AnulomaViloma/Surya BhedanaPranayama,  Chandra AnulomaViloma/Chandra Bhedana Pranayama.

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Nagendra, H. R. &Nagarathna, R. (2002). Samagra Yoga Chikitse. Bengaluru: Swami Vivekananda Yoga Prakasana. 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading
  1. Bucher, C. A. (n.d.) Foundation of physical education. St. Louis: The C.V. Mosby Co. Deshpande, S. H. (2014). Physical Education in Ancient India. Amravati: Degree college of Physical education.

  2. D.M Jyoti, Yoga and Physical Activities (2015) lulu.com3101, Hills borough, NC27609, United States 6. Gharote, M. L. &Ganguly, H

  3. Shekar, K. C. (2003). Yoga for health. Delhi: Khel Sahitya Kendra..


Evaluation Pattern


FRE181-3 - FRENCH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Programme Objectives - The curriculum of the French course offered as II language to II BA/BSc/BCom students is designed to suit the present-day requirements where the emphasis is more on the Oral communication. Beginning with day-to-day situations with its dialogues the stress is on the spoken word. The part on French civilization offers one useful insight on life and living in France.

Course Description -French as a second language in the UG program. The method< Adomania> consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 8 units. The structure of each unit begins with basic communication aspects, leading to basic expressions, vocabulary, cultural aspects, functional and practical French stage by stage in each unit. This< manual> covers all the necessary global parameters.

 Course Objectives

·       To develop basic and communication skills sharpen oral and written skills.

·       To enhance knowledge on French culture.

·       To enrich the learner’s vocabulary

·       To enable learners to engage in and discuss simple topics with ease

Learning Outcome

CO1: Enhancement of communicative competencies and sharpening of written and oral communicative skills.

CO2: Basic knowledge of french civilization.

CO3: Enrichment of vocabulary.

CO4: Enhanced ability to engage in conversations and discussions in French with ease.

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:9
Units 0,1






Étape 0


Establish rapport


Simple communicative words  and phrases to develop interest.

2 hr

Étape 1

Faisons connaissance

-To tell the first names and sur names.

- To open a conversation

- To give personal information.

- To spell one’s name.

- To greet each other, to take leave

- To introduce oneself and others

- To tell one’s address.


-Verb s’appeler

-Les articles definis

-Verbe Etre.

-Speech acts – talk about oneself.

-Final task: create one’s profile in a video mode. (oral communication skills, global)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 2

Étape 2

Fans de musique


-Exchange one’s musical preferences.

-Explain one’s tastes and preferences.

-To pose personal questions. (closed questions)

-To express our actions.   -To ask someone their age.


- er ending verbs

- les articles definis

- la negation

- intonative questions.

Speech act – Asking closed questions.

Final task: to create a musical portrait.  (integrating global skills)                                                                                                          


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 3


Étape 3

Nous sommes tous frères 


-Exchange the differences in cultural aspects.

-Introduce one’s family.

-Speak about one’s nationality.

-Speak about relationships.


-Les adjectifs possessifs

-La négation

-L’accord des adjectifs

-Les adjectifs de nationality

-Les pronoms toniques

-Le pronoms on= nous.


Tache finale : Introduce oneself to the class in French.(global ,communicative and speaking skills)


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4

Étape 4


Let us move!


-To speak of sports

-Exchange our sports preferences

-Describe persons.

-Express frequency

-To pose questions on sports.   -Describe physicality.


-Verb : faire jouer +article         -Qu’est - ce que ?

- C’est, il/elle est


Tache finale :

Organise a sport presentation in class. Indoor games.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                


7 hrs

Text Books And Reference Books:

Le Robert et Nathan, Conjugaison, English Edition

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U French, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc.

Evaluation Pattern

      I.         Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

·       Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

·       Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 20 marks

·       Section C - Test of writing skills / Originality in letter writing, dialogue and essay  – 20 marks

CIA -1 10 marks

CIA- 2  50 marks

CIA –3  10 marks

ESE   50 marks.


Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Letter writing / Film review



CIA 2 –Mid Sem Exam



CIA 3 – Quiz / Role Play / Theatre / Creative projects 






End Sem Exam







GER181-3 - GERMAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course mainly deals with the listening, speaking, writing, reading modules of basic German by using different pedagogies and effective strategies in order to meet the requirements of various situations. This course also enables the students to have cross-cultural competencies and cognitive skills.

 Course Objectives:


·       To achieve language proficiency skills on the basic level

·       To develop the skills demonstrated in the ability to interpret simple texts

·       To attain some transcultural competency: an awareness of cross-cultural differences between societies.

·       To develop the ability to formulate basic questions. 

Learning Outcome

CO1: Listen, understand, and respond to short recordings about everyday life.

CO2: Be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language.

CO3: Remember and apply basic rules of grammar.

CO4: Write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics.

CO5: Speak about oneself/ others / the immediate environment / engage in simple conversation.

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Tag

Grüßen und verabschieden, sich und andere vorstellen, über sich und andere sprechen, Zahlen bis 20, Telefonnummer und E-mail-Adresse nennen, buchstabieren, über Länder und Sprachen sprechen

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
Freunde, Kollegen und ich

über Hobbys, sich verabreden, Berufe und Arbeitszeiten sprechen, Wochentage benennen, über Arbeit, Zahlen ab 20 nennnen, über Jahreszeiten sprechen, ein Profil im Internet erstellen. Artikel der, die, das, verben und Personalpronomen II, Ja-/Nein- Frage, Plural der Substantive, die verben haben und sein.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:7
In Hamburg

Plätze und Gebäude benennen, fragen zu Orten stellen, Texte einer Bildergeschichte zuordnen, Dinge erfragen, Verkehrsmittel benennen, nach dem Weg fragen und einen Weg beschreiben, Texte mit internationalen Wörtern verstehen, Artikel lernen. Bestimmter Artikel: der, die, das, unbestimmter Artikel: ein, eine, ein, Negationsartikel: kein, keine, kein, Imperativ mit Sie.

Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Teaching Hours:8
Guten Appetit

            über essen sprechen, einen Einkauf planen, Gespräche beim Essen führen, mit W-fragen Texte verstehen, Wörter ordnen und lernen, Positionen im Satz, Akkusativ, Verben mit Akkusativ, Modal verben.



Text Books And Reference Books:

Netzwerk neu Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1 Textbook, workbook, glossar and 2cd ‘s by Stefanie dengler, Paul rusch, Helenschmitz, Tanja sieber, klett -Langenscheidt publishers

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Studio d A1 set of three books and CD by Herr Mann Funk, Cornelsen publishers

2.     Deutsch Sprachlehre für Ausländer and Glossar Deutsch-English by Heinz Griesbach-Dora Schulz, Max Hueber publishers

3.     Deutsch für den Beruf text book by adelheid h, Max Hueber publishers

4.     Deutsch für den Beruf work book by adelheid h, Max Hueber publishers

5.     Grammatik intensiv trainer A1 Deutsch – Langenscheidt by Mark lester, larry beason, langenscheid publishers

6.     Fit für Goethe Zetifikat A1 start Deutsch 1 by Johaness Gerbes, Frau ke van der Werff, Hueber publishers


7.     Learn german through games and activities level1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch and CD by Sabine Emmerich & Federica Colombo, eli publishers

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 10 Marks 

CIA 2 - 25 Marks 

CIA 3 - 10 Marks 

Attendance: 5 Marks 

End Semester: 50 Marks  

HIN181-3 - BASIC HINDI (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This is a thirty hours course. Students will be exposed to the use of Hindi Language both in oral and written forms. During the course, Hindi alphabets, words, simple sentences, general vocabulary and basic grammar will be taught. At the end of the course students will be able to read, write and speak the Language

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the spoken skill.

CO2: Acquire reading and writing skill.

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants 05 2. Parts of Speech-Noun, pronoun, verb, adverb, adjective, prepositions, conjunction and interjection.

Students will be trained in basic HIndi Grammar

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:7
1. Vocabulary-Names of things, animals, birds, vegetables, flowers, days, months etc.

Vacbulary developing excercises

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                              Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing


1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



End-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing

10 questions

1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



HIN282-3 - HINDI (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Unit I- Poetry                                                                                                                      


The detailed text book “Samkaleen Kavita Sanchay” edited by Dr. Sebastian K.A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond is an anthology of modern poems written by representative poets of Hindi Literature. The poems reflect on the social, environmental, cultural and political issues which are prevalent in our society. Social media writing will enhance the communication skill of the students.  Since translation is a significant area in language and literature, emphasis is being given on Translation practice. Language skills can be improved by giving focus on technical terminology.

Unit II – Social Media Writing                                                                                                    



 Unit III Translation English to Hindi.                                                                                                05 Hrs.


Unit II – Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.                 05Hrs.




Unit IV: Technical Terminology                                                                                                      05Hrs.


Unit III-Translation practice- English to Hindi                                                                      05Hrs.




Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the writing skill in literary Hindi

CO2: Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the poems.

CO3: Will be able to write for social media.

CO4: To improve the Translation skills.

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:20
Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay? (Collection of Poems) edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond 20 Hrs. Level of knowledge: Anal

An anthology of contemporary Hindi poems

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Cultural art forms of India -Yakshagana, Kathakali, Ramleela, Krishnaleela.

Four cultural art forms from different parts of India

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Teaching Hours:5
Translation practice- English to Hindi

Translation of passages in English to Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

Samakaleen Kavita Sanchay’ (Collection of Poems)                                                                         

Edited by: Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond           

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. A Hand Book of Translation Studies                      By: Das Bijay Kumar.

2. SaralSubodh Hindi Vyakaran,                                 By: MotilalChaturvedi. Vinod

3. AnuvadEvam Sanchar –                                          Dr.PooranchandTandon, Rajpal and Son’s

4. AnuvadVignan                                                         By:Bholanath Tiwari

5. Anuvad Kala                                                            By: N.E VishwanathIyer



Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

3 Sem – BCom/BBA

Course Code-HIN282-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Social media writing

 Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10


End-Semester Examination  

3 Sem – BCom/BBA

Course Code-HIN282-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2Hrs                                                                               Max. Marks : 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





Essay types question


3 questions





Social media wrting

Descriptive type

1 question




One passage for translation from English to Hindi

1 question

1 x10= 10



KAN181-3 - FOUNDATION KANNADA (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Foundation  Kannada has been introduced for the Under Graduate Non-Kannada Speakers. These students are trained to converse in Kannada  language for their day-to-day life activities. It helps them to communicate among the group to create intimacy for their daily activity.  It also helps to un derstand the culture and tradition of the region. By the end of the course, students will be able to identify the letters, understanding meaning and speak simple sentences in Kannada language. The department of languages proposed to offer Functional Kannada (Conversational Kannada) along  with two credits and  thirty hours of class room teaching for the UG Programme from this academic year 2024-25.

 To enable students to communicate in the regional language Kannada.

• Helps the students to  converse in Kannada language particularly those have come from other states.

• The course mainly focuses on Conversation and writing skills.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and understand the alphabets and vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their writing skills for various domains.

CO4: Understand the rich culture and heritage of Karnataka.

Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Phonological system

1.       Kannada Varnamale: Swaragalu, vyanjanagalu, (Vargeeya mattu Avargeeya vyanjanagalu)  

2.       Kaagunita  

3.       Ottaksharagalu ( Double Consonants) 

4.       Different phones to be focused on – A - Ha, O - ho, TA-ta, NA-na, LA, la.

5.       Vocabulary and  different meaning.


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Teaching Hours:15
Introduction to Kannada Morphological system:

1.       Naamapada mattu Sarvanaama

2.       Linga, Vachana mattu   Vibhakti Pratyayagalu 

3.       Kriyaa Dhaatu, Kriyaa pada – past, present & future tense


Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.      Tili Kannada- K.S. Madhusudana & H.N. Muralidhara 

Evaluation Pattern

Class Test 

Oral test


KAN282-3 - KANNADA (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Kannada is offered to students of  III Semester B.Com Courses, under AEC for fifty marks. The students of this semester will study  Modern Kannada Poems, selected post modern fictions and non fictions.  The syllabus will help  them to learn and write a different forms  of  business letters.  The Syllabus is well structured with local, national and global needs of the students, imbibes human values, proffessional ethics, sustainability and  various language skills.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Expose learners to the post modern writings.

CO2: Able to understand the literary genre

CO3: Able to develop their critical and analytical thinking

CO4: Enable them in creative writings

CO5: Able to make business correspondence in Kannada

Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:10
Post Modern -selected poems

1.      Kerege Haara- Folk Poetry

2.      Kalki- Kuvempu 

3.      Nimmodanidduu Nimmantaagade – K S Nissar Ahamad

4.      Nalavattelara Swaatantrya - Siddalingaiah


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:5
Selected short stories

1.      Maleraayana Madadi- Folk Story

2.      Venkatashaamiya Pranaya – Maasti Venkatesh Ayyangaar

3.       Naavu Chirangeevigalu – Russian Story


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:10
Selected Prose

1.      Namma Preetiya Criket- K. Satyanaarayana

2.      Maastarara Makkalu- Jayanth Kaaikini

3.      Bhaaratada Modala  Mahilaa Shikshaki – Kiran M. Gaajanuru

4.      Yuvabhaarata Vruddha America – Manu Baligaar


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Teaching Hours:5
: Language Skills

1.      Business Letter Writing


Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Kannada Sanna Kathegala Olavu- Giraddi Govindaraj

2.      Adhunika Kannada Nataka- K. Marulasiddappa

Samagra Kannada Sahitya Charithre

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Post Collonial writings in Kannada

ee Shatamaanada Kaavya

Evaluation Pattern

Writtren Test 

Wikipedia article creation

KOR281-3 - KOREAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: Basic Korean Level 1 is for Non-Native speakers to learn basic Korean language and to develop their knowledge as well as their communicative skills so as to be able to respond in simple every day contexts.

Course Objective: ▪ Module I presents 5 lessons on the Korean writing system. ▪ Module II provides 4 lessons, each containing two conversation tasks, vocabulary and expressions, grammar and speaking, tasks and practices, ▪ Korean culture is introduced.

Learning Outcome

CO1-5: Course outcomes: The purpose of any language is to equip the learner with the four essential skills i.e., LSRW. In keeping with the same, the course outcomes in the second year, Basic Korean Language course have been formulated as follows. At the end of basic level 1 , the student would be able to - - listen, understand and respond to short recordings about everyday life. - be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language. - remember and apply basic rules of grammar. - write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics. - speak about oneself/ others / the immediate environment / engage in simple conversation.

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:12
Hangeul 1-8

 Introductory Lessons ▪ Hangeul 1: Introduction of the Korean Language and Hangeul 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 2: Recognition and Identification of 6 vowels and 4 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 3: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 4: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 5: Recognition and Identification of 5 vowels and 5 Consonants, reading and writing of syllables or short words and practices 2 hrs ▪ Hangeul 6: Reading of single final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 7: Reading of double final consonants 1 hr ▪ Hangeul 8: Some useful expressions before lessons begin 1 hr

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Teaching Hours:18
Lesson 1-4

 Lessons ▪ Unit 1: Introductions, introducing another person, Grammar (am, is, are)/who 4 hrs ▪ Unit 2: Asking the name of things, asking about possessions, grammar-this thing/ that thing/ what is this? 4 hrs ▪ Unit 3: Ordering in a cafeteria, buying things in a stationery store, grammar-to have/ Korean numbers/how many things 4 hrs ▪ Unit 4: Talking about the location of a person, talking about the location of a building, grammar- subject marker/place marker/where 4 hrs ▪ Summary of the lessons 2 hrs

Text Books And Reference Books:

Textbook: Sogang Korean 1A (Student’s book), Sogang Korean 1A (Workbook)

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Reference books: 1. Grammar and vocabulary supplementary book 2. Korean Culture 77.

Evaluation Pattern

Question Paper Pattern ▪ Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

                                  ▪ Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers – 20 marks

                                  ▪ Section C - Test of writing skills / Dialogue and Essay writing – 20 mark

SAN181-3 - BASIC SANSKRIT (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. Foundational Sanskrit has been introduced to the undergraduate students.   This course helps the student to read, write, understand, and converse in Sanskrit. The focus would be on understanding the Sanskrit texts rather than just learning the grammar or the vocabulary.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and understand the alphabet and vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their reading and writing skills.

Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit:1 Phonetics:

1: Introduction to Sanskrit Varnamala/Alphabets

2: Grammar Fundamentals –UccharaNa Sthanam

     Kantastha, thalavya, moordhanya, dantoshta , Ohtvya

      Rama Shabda –  akaanatha pulling raama  shabda


Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Teaching Hours:15
Unit 2 Morphology

1. Verb System Simplified: Present Tense

     Verb- Root verbs.  Lat lakaara ,Parasmai and Atmane padi

 2. Numbers in Sanskrit. 1 to 20 Numbers and their use in a sentence

 3.. Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit



Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Sanskrit Vocabulary Builder-Book Paperback – 1 by Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation 

2. Sanskrit Grammar and Reference Book Paperback – 1 by Prof. Ratnakar Narale

3.A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes Hardcover by Charles Rockwell Lanman 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit Hardcover – by A. M. Ruppel  

2. Sabdarupasangrahah Paperback – Sanskrit Edition  by Vyoma Linguistic Labs 


Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessment and an end Semester Examination.

1.      Objective type of exam and oral examination as CIA and end exam

2.      85% of attendance.

3.      The final credits will be weighted average of 2 CIA and ESE


SAN282-3 - SANSKRIT (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Dandin  is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Specify the classification and characteristics of selected portions of Literature.

CO2: Understand in detail with application shlokas.

CO3: Learn in-depth selected portions of the texts

CO4: Deliberate the characteristics of selected portions of literature.

CO5: Write in detail with examples.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Subhashithani-Barthruhari?s Neethi shatakam, Selected 30 shlokas

Bhartrhari's nitishatakam is, as the name itself suggests, is a set of a hundred verses on morals and ethics of human behavior. Bhartrhari has divided these hundred verses into ten topics of ten verses each.   These contain verses on the power of wealth, the haughtiness of kings, the futility of greed, the vicissitudes of fate, and so on. The book contains the original text and Hindi translation. The poetical beauty of this work makes it indispensable for all lovers of literature.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:12
Avantisundarī parinaya

Daṇḍin is the Avantisundarī or Avantisundarīkathā (The Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti). Like the Dashakumaracharita this is in prose, but is even more fragmentarily preserved: the two surviving manuscripts break off early in the text. A later Sanskrit poem, the Avantisundarīkathāsāra (Gist of the Story of the Beautiful Lady from Avanti) seems to have summarised the full story, and its surviving portion covers more of the story, and more again is preserved in a thirteenth-century Telugu translation. These texts overlap significantly with the stories in the Dashakumaracharita. Precisely how the Dashakumaracharita and the Avantisundarī originally related is unclear. Although many have argued that the two must have been composed by different people, the Avantisundarī too is 'unmistakably ascribed to Daṇḍin by its colophons and by later sources'.

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Teaching Hours:8

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that are transferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech

Text Books And Reference Books:


1.       Dandin’s Dashakumara Caritam by Arthur W Ryder

2.       Barthruhari’s nitishatakam by sugyan kumar


1.              3    Sanskrit Grammar Kannada version by Dr. Satish Hegde.  



Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.       Dandin's Kavyadarsa, Parichcheda -2 S.K. Belvalkar & Rangacharya B. Raddi 

2.     Nitishatakam of Bhartrhari Dr. Rajeshwar Kumar.

3.     Sanskrit Grammar Translation from English to Sanskrit by M.R. Kale




Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessments and an End Semester Examination.

1.      CIA 1 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia –Project (1)

2.      CIA 2 – Mid-semester Examination

3.      CIA 3 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia- Project (2)

4.      CIA ‘s and Attendance will have 50% weight

5.      The end-semester examination will have 50% weight.

6.      The final grade will be weighed average of ESE and CIAs.


SPA181-3 - SPANISH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


“Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening,

speaking, writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the

Hispanic world. This course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish. 

This method leads easy way to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Course Objectives: “Aula International 1” A1/A2’. General objective are more specific to

define the linguistic knowledge with the help of which the learners will implement various

skills such as to understand, to speak, to interact and to write.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Student will be able to talk casually about topics of current public and personal events.

CO2: Students in the Spanish program develop in-depth content knowledge about Hispanic cultures.

CO3: Student will be able to understand most speech on familiar topics Student can read and understand written texts in areas of the their special interest.

CO4: Student will able to recognize the value of Spanish language learning and Hispanidad cultures through participation in a variety of activities.

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 1 ? Recuerdos!

o Salutation and expressions

o Learn to introduce ourselves and friends.

o Alphabets

o Profession

o Numbers

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 2 ? Nosotros
  • Learning to introduce each other
  • identifying genders and number(singular and plural)
  •  Articles(definite and indefinite)
Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 3 ? Expresar intenciones

o Introducing group of verbs in present tense

o Conjugating the verbs

o Usage of prepositions in the phrase

o Using subject personal pronouns with the verbs

o Usage of comparative

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Teaching Hours:7
Unit 4 ? Dónde está

o Describing places

o Expressing existence and location

o Speaking about the weather

o Some usage of Hay verbs (there is/ there are)

o Differentiating the verb “to be”

Text Books And Reference Books:

Textbook : ‘Aula Internacional 1’

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading:

1. Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Rocket Languages, Pimsleur, Brainscape, Busuu, Duolingo.


Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1 - 10 Marks 

CIA 2 - 25 Marks 

CIA 3 - 10 Marks 

Attendance : 5 Marks 

End Semester : 50 Marks

TAM282-3 - TAMIL (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:2

Course Objectives/Course Description


Tamil is available as a second language for second-year BA/BSc/B. Com/H/ BBA
students. Various Programmes such as Guest lectures, Translation workshops, Tamil
Theatre performances, (Intra-class literary competitions), Student poets meet, Bhasha Utsav,
Role play, Certificate programme, Paper presentations, and so on are offered by the
Department of Languages. The department focuses on improving students&#39; critical,
analytical, and communicative skills. The program&#39;s association with academic bodies and
literary and cultural organization’s adds value and provides a contemporary approach to
teaching, learning, and study in Tamil.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Appreciate the various values of patriotism & devotion.

CO2: About the moral values and lead the life simple.

CO3: Appreciate the knowledge ,moral values from the short stories and criticism.

CO4: It helps to know the ethics of the life through grammar.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:6
Unit 1: Poetry.

1.Acchamillai Acchamillai.
2.Arive Theivam.
3.Bharatha Naadu.
4.Bharatha janangalin tharkala nilaimai
5. Tamil.
7.Puthumai pen.

4.kodi peruvana.
5.Pazhaga pazhaga pazhakkam.
6.Muvagai manidargal.
7.Kaikkuli vangubavan.
8.Chombarai thakkuga.

Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:10
Unit 2: Short Stories. 10 hours


Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 3: GRAMMAR--. 5 hours

Thol. Porul Adhigaram

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Teaching Hours:3
Unit 4: Language Skill-

Letter Writing – Commercial Letters.

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Naan virumbum kavizhar Bharathiyar by Rajkumar.
2. Avvaiyar paadalgal – published by NCBH Chennai
3. Kanneerum Thanneerum-by Dr.S.Sethuraman,published by NCBH,Chennai-98.
4. Tholgappiyam-. Porul Adhigaram- by Tholgappiyar.kazhaga
publication,Chennai -01

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Vanigath Tamil-Published by kaavya publication,kodambakkam,Chennai-
2. Tamizh Ilakkiya varalatru kalanjiyam
Prof. Mathu.Sa. Vimalanandam.M.A. Published-Kuzha- Kathiresan
Ainthinai Pathippakam ,282 Bharathi Road Py crofts Road,Triplicane, Madras -600 005
3. Tamizh elakkia sigarangal imbadhu- sirappum kurippum Publ. by
T.S.Raamalingam Narmatha pathippagam, Chennai-17

Evaluation Pattern

CIA 1  Class test

CIA 2  Mid semester examination

CIA 3 Class test


Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


 This paper is offered as a major core paper in the fourth semester. It develops an understanding among the students towards corporate financial activities. The aim of paper is to acquaint the students with the concepts of financial management necessary to support decision making. The course covers investment, financing and dividend decisions process in the business. As a prerequisite, the students should be having basic knowledge about elementary concepts of finance.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Explain the fundamental concepts and theories of financial management.

CO2: Apply the time value of money concept to calculate present value and future value of money through mathematical calculation, MS Excel and PV/FV tables.

CO3: Evaluate the costs of debt, preferred stock, and equity financing for the firm.

CO4: Evaluate long-term investment proposals to select the best alternative for the organization by applying capital budgeting tools.

CO5: Evaluate the importance of adequate working capital and to estimate working capital requirements for different organizations.

CO6: Analyze the relevance or irrelevance of the dividend decisions affecting the market value of the firm.

Teaching Hours:8

Meaning - scope and functions of Finance - Financial management – Nature, Characteristic, Functions, Scope & Process - Objectives of financial management – profit maximization - wealth maximization - Time Value of Money: concept and reasons, Compounding and Discounting techniques, Concepts of Annuity and Perpetuity-practical problems (using MS excel also). 

Teaching Hours:8

Meaning - scope and functions of Finance - Financial management – Nature, Characteristic, Functions, Scope & Process - Objectives of financial management – profit maximization - wealth maximization - Time Value of Money: concept and reasons, Compounding and Discounting techniques, Concepts of Annuity and Perpetuity-practical problems (using MS excel also). 

Teaching Hours:8

Meaning - scope and functions of Finance - Financial management – Nature, Characteristic, Functions, Scope & Process - Objectives of financial management – profit maximization - wealth maximization - Time Value of Money: concept and reasons, Compounding and Discounting techniques, Concepts of Annuity and Perpetuity-practical problems (using MS excel also). 

Teaching Hours:12
Financing Decision


Sources of Finance - Meaning of Capital Structure; Capital Structure and Financial Structure; Pattern of Capital Structure; Optimum Capital Structure – - Factors determining capital structure - Financial break even and indifference point (Only theory). Capital Structure Theories: net income approach, net operating income approach, traditional approach and MM approach (Only theory) EBIT – EPS Analysis- Concepts of leverages - operating leverages - financial leverages - combined leverages.

Teaching Hours:12
Financing Decision


Sources of Finance - Meaning of Capital Structure; Capital Structure and Financial Structure; Pattern of Capital Structure; Optimum Capital Structure – - Factors determining capital structure - Financial break even and indifference point (Only theory). Capital Structure Theories: net income approach, net operating income approach, traditional approach and MM approach (Only theory) EBIT – EPS Analysis- Concepts of leverages - operating leverages - financial leverages - combined leverages.

Teaching Hours:12
Financing Decision


Sources of Finance - Meaning of Capital Structure; Capital Structure and Financial Structure; Pattern of Capital Structure; Optimum Capital Structure – - Factors determining capital structure - Financial break even and indifference point (Only theory). Capital Structure Theories: net income approach, net operating income approach, traditional approach and MM approach (Only theory) EBIT – EPS Analysis- Concepts of leverages - operating leverages - financial leverages - combined leverages.

Teaching Hours:8
Cost of Capital

Concept, relevance of cost of capital- weighted average cost of Capital (computation) Computation of cost of specific source- cost of equity capital cost of Retained Earnings cost of Debt and cost of Preference (only simple problems).

Teaching Hours:8
Cost of Capital

Concept, relevance of cost of capital- weighted average cost of Capital (computation) Computation of cost of specific source- cost of equity capital cost of Retained Earnings cost of Debt and cost of Preference (only simple problems).

Teaching Hours:8
Cost of Capital

Concept, relevance of cost of capital- weighted average cost of Capital (computation) Computation of cost of specific source- cost of equity capital cost of Retained Earnings cost of Debt and cost of Preference (only simple problems).

Teaching Hours:12
Investment Decision - Capital Budgeting

Long term and short term investment decisions - capital budgeting - importance – procedure - Factors Determining Capital Budgeting - Steps in Capital Budgeting - Cash flow Estimation Methods of capital budgeting - payback period - Net present value & profitability index - Accounting rate of return -Internal rate of return – Problems based on each method- merits and demerits of each of the methods.

Teaching Hours:12
Investment Decision - Capital Budgeting

Long term and short term investment decisions - capital budgeting - importance – procedure - Factors Determining Capital Budgeting - Steps in Capital Budgeting - Cash flow Estimation Methods of capital budgeting - payback period - Net present value & profitability index - Accounting rate of return -Internal rate of return – Problems based on each method- merits and demerits of each of the methods.

Teaching Hours:12
Investment Decision - Capital Budgeting

Long term and short term investment decisions - capital budgeting - importance – procedure - Factors Determining Capital Budgeting - Steps in Capital Budgeting - Cash flow Estimation Methods of capital budgeting - payback period - Net present value & profitability index - Accounting rate of return -Internal rate of return – Problems based on each method- merits and demerits of each of the methods.

Teaching Hours:8
Investment Decision - Working Capital Management

 Meaning - concept of working capital, need for working capital - types of working capital - Factors affecting working capital needs - adequacy of working capital - Sources of Working Capital, Management of working capital –Principles of Working Capital - working capital cycle - working capital estimation and calculation. Meaning of cash and receivables management- Objectives of cash and receivables management- Cost of maintaining receivables - Factors affecting receivable management.

Teaching Hours:8
Investment Decision - Working Capital Management

 Meaning - concept of working capital, need for working capital - types of working capital - Factors affecting working capital needs - adequacy of working capital - Sources of Working Capital, Management of working capital –Principles of Working Capital - working capital cycle - working capital estimation and calculation. Meaning of cash and receivables management- Objectives of cash and receivables management- Cost of maintaining receivables - Factors affecting receivable management.

Teaching Hours:8
Investment Decision - Working Capital Management

 Meaning - concept of working capital, need for working capital - types of working capital - Factors affecting working capital needs - adequacy of working capital - Sources of Working Capital, Management of working capital –Principles of Working Capital - working capital cycle - working capital estimation and calculation. Meaning of cash and receivables management- Objectives of cash and receivables management- Cost of maintaining receivables - Factors affecting receivable management.

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Decision

 Dividend decision and valuation of firm – Meaning and form of dividend – stability of dividend – dividend policy – determinants of dividend policy – theories of dividend – relevance and irrelevance – Walter Model - Gorden Model  (Problems) - Modigliani and Miller theory (only theoretical concepts)

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Decision

 Dividend decision and valuation of firm – Meaning and form of dividend – stability of dividend – dividend policy – determinants of dividend policy – theories of dividend – relevance and irrelevance – Walter Model - Gorden Model  (Problems) - Modigliani and Miller theory (only theoretical concepts)

Teaching Hours:8
Dividend Decision

 Dividend decision and valuation of firm – Meaning and form of dividend – stability of dividend – dividend policy – determinants of dividend policy – theories of dividend – relevance and irrelevance – Walter Model - Gorden Model  (Problems) - Modigliani and Miller theory (only theoretical concepts)

Text Books And Reference Books:


  1. Sharma, R. K & Gupta, S .K (2020). Financial Management, (9th Ed.), Kalyani Publishers. New Delhi.

  2. Pandey, I.M. Financial Management (2016), (11th Ed).  Vikas Publications

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


  1. Khan, M.Y. & Jain, P.K. (2017) Financial Management. Tata McGraw Hill Publishing Co. Ltd. New Delhi.

  2. Chandra, Prasanna, (2019) Financial Management (10th Ed.). Tata McGraw Hill Publishing co. Ltd., New Delhi.

  3. Maheshwari, S.N. (2012) Principles of Financial management. Sultan Chand & Sons, Delhi

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration










Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

The paper is offered to provide wide knowledge of the financial Market and institutions available in India. It also equips students with a sound understanding of the Financial Markets. As a prerequisite, students should be familiar with the conceptual understanding of the financial system in the economy. It helps to learn different financial services and products. The students will also learn how the financial services firm’s works and the innovative products and services offered by them.

Learning Outcome

CO 1: Understand the role of the financial system and services in the country and economic development.

CO 2: Remember to know different types of financial instruments and its features

CO 3: Recognize the functions of stock exchanges and various reforms taken by the regulatory authority.

CO 4: Familiarize with the various financial services and new products available in financial service market.

CO 5: Gain in-depth knowledge of all aspects of Merchant banking in India and to make a good investment decision through venture capital and the role of factoring and credit rating agencies in India.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial System

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Financial System, Financial Assets, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Markets, Classification, Components of Financial Market, Formal and Informal Financial Sectors, Financial Instruments, Multiplicity of Financial Instruments, New Financial Instruments. Key Elements of well-functioning Financial System, Financial Sector Reforms: Narasimham Committee Report 1991and 1998. Indicators of Financial Development.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial System

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Financial System, Financial Assets, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Markets, Classification, Components of Financial Market, Formal and Informal Financial Sectors, Financial Instruments, Multiplicity of Financial Instruments, New Financial Instruments. Key Elements of well-functioning Financial System, Financial Sector Reforms: Narasimham Committee Report 1991and 1998. Indicators of Financial Development.

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial System

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Financial System, Financial Assets, Financial Intermediaries, Financial Markets, Classification, Components of Financial Market, Formal and Informal Financial Sectors, Financial Instruments, Multiplicity of Financial Instruments, New Financial Instruments. Key Elements of well-functioning Financial System, Financial Sector Reforms: Narasimham Committee Report 1991and 1998. Indicators of Financial Development.

Teaching Hours:12
Capital Markets

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Capital markets- meaning; Classification of the capital market; growth of stock exchange, stockbrokers, functions of the stock exchange, Margin trading, Forward trading, Sensex, Nifty, OTCEI (over the counter exchange of India), Depositories, SEBI as capital market regulator - Objectives, Functions, Powers, Organization, SEBI and government, SEBI guidelines on primary markets, secondary markets, book building, buyback of shares. Derivatives in India- Introduction to Financial and Commodity Derivatives. 

Teaching Hours:12
Capital Markets

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Capital markets- meaning; Classification of the capital market; growth of stock exchange, stockbrokers, functions of the stock exchange, Margin trading, Forward trading, Sensex, Nifty, OTCEI (over the counter exchange of India), Depositories, SEBI as capital market regulator - Objectives, Functions, Powers, Organization, SEBI and government, SEBI guidelines on primary markets, secondary markets, book building, buyback of shares. Derivatives in India- Introduction to Financial and Commodity Derivatives. 

Teaching Hours:12
Capital Markets

Level of Knowledge: Basic and Conceptual

Capital markets- meaning; Classification of the capital market; growth of stock exchange, stockbrokers, functions of the stock exchange, Margin trading, Forward trading, Sensex, Nifty, OTCEI (over the counter exchange of India), Depositories, SEBI as capital market regulator - Objectives, Functions, Powers, Organization, SEBI and government, SEBI guidelines on primary markets, secondary markets, book building, buyback of shares. Derivatives in India- Introduction to Financial and Commodity Derivatives. 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial Services

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Meaning-features of financial services-Classification-scope-Fund-Based Activities-Non-fund-based Activities- Modern Activities  -Sources of Revenue- causes of Financial  Innovation – Financial  Services and  promotions of Industries – Innovation in finance 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial Services

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Meaning-features of financial services-Classification-scope-Fund-Based Activities-Non-fund-based Activities- Modern Activities  -Sources of Revenue- causes of Financial  Innovation – Financial  Services and  promotions of Industries – Innovation in finance 

Teaching Hours:12
Introduction to Financial Services

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Meaning-features of financial services-Classification-scope-Fund-Based Activities-Non-fund-based Activities- Modern Activities  -Sources of Revenue- causes of Financial  Innovation – Financial  Services and  promotions of Industries – Innovation in finance 

Teaching Hours:12
Merchant Banking

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition- origin merchant  banking  in  India-merchant  banks  and  commercial  banks –services of merchant banks-qualities  required  of  merchant  bankers –merchant  bankers  as  lead  managers-guidelines-merchant  bankers  commission –Scope of Merchant  Banking in India – Prohibition of  Fraudulent  and Unfair  Trade Practices Relating to the Securities-Market regulation- Prohibition  on  Dealing /Communicating/Counselling  on Matters  Relating to Insider Trading- Issue of capital and Disclosure  Requirements  Regulations  -  SEBI  issue and Listing of Debt Securities  Regulation (Last amendment)

Teaching Hours:12
Merchant Banking

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition- origin merchant  banking  in  India-merchant  banks  and  commercial  banks –services of merchant banks-qualities  required  of  merchant  bankers –merchant  bankers  as  lead  managers-guidelines-merchant  bankers  commission –Scope of Merchant  Banking in India – Prohibition of  Fraudulent  and Unfair  Trade Practices Relating to the Securities-Market regulation- Prohibition  on  Dealing /Communicating/Counselling  on Matters  Relating to Insider Trading- Issue of capital and Disclosure  Requirements  Regulations  -  SEBI  issue and Listing of Debt Securities  Regulation (Last amendment)

Teaching Hours:12
Merchant Banking

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Definition- origin merchant  banking  in  India-merchant  banks  and  commercial  banks –services of merchant banks-qualities  required  of  merchant  bankers –merchant  bankers  as  lead  managers-guidelines-merchant  bankers  commission –Scope of Merchant  Banking in India – Prohibition of  Fraudulent  and Unfair  Trade Practices Relating to the Securities-Market regulation- Prohibition  on  Dealing /Communicating/Counselling  on Matters  Relating to Insider Trading- Issue of capital and Disclosure  Requirements  Regulations  -  SEBI  issue and Listing of Debt Securities  Regulation (Last amendment)

Teaching Hours:12
Venture Capital and Factoring

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concept - Meaning-Features- Activities of VC Funds- Scope of Venture capital - Importance-Origin-Initiative in India - Venture capital Guidelines - Methods of Venture Financing - Factoring-Meaning - Modus operandi-Terms and conditions-Functions-Types of factoring- Factoring vs Discounting - Cost of factoring-Benefits – Factoring in India-International Factoring. Securitisation of Debt. Credit Rating in India. Credit Rating agencies in India.

Teaching Hours:12
Venture Capital and Factoring

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concept - Meaning-Features- Activities of VC Funds- Scope of Venture capital - Importance-Origin-Initiative in India - Venture capital Guidelines - Methods of Venture Financing - Factoring-Meaning - Modus operandi-Terms and conditions-Functions-Types of factoring- Factoring vs Discounting - Cost of factoring-Benefits – Factoring in India-International Factoring. Securitisation of Debt. Credit Rating in India. Credit Rating agencies in India.

Teaching Hours:12
Venture Capital and Factoring

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual

Concept - Meaning-Features- Activities of VC Funds- Scope of Venture capital - Importance-Origin-Initiative in India - Venture capital Guidelines - Methods of Venture Financing - Factoring-Meaning - Modus operandi-Terms and conditions-Functions-Types of factoring- Factoring vs Discounting - Cost of factoring-Benefits – Factoring in India-International Factoring. Securitisation of Debt. Credit Rating in India. Credit Rating agencies in India.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Essential Reading:

  1. Gordon & Natarajan. (2022), Financial Markets and Services, Himalaya Publishing House. India


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Recommended Reading

1.      Shashi K. Gupta &Nisha Agarwal. (2019). Financial Services. Kalyani Publishing. India

2.      M Y Khan (2020).  Financial services. India:  Tata McGraw-Hill Education India


Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation Pattern


Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COH301-4 - COST ACCOUNTING (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:60
No of Lecture Hours/Week:4
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


This paper is offered as a core paper in the third semester. It develops and creates cost consciousness among the students and prepares students for careers in the areas of costing. Students will be aware of various aspects of cost, cost classification and also decision making skills in terms of cost benefit and profit. As a prerequisite, students should have a basic knowledge about the concepts relating to cost, costing, and cost accounting.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Recall the concept of cost, classification of cost and elements of cost and profit

CO2: Application of cost elements to prepare cost sheet

CO3: Evaluate the various elements of cost

CO4: Analyze the different methods and techniques of Cost Accounting

CO5: Estimate the cost involved in service industry

CO6: Critically appraise the recent trends in Cost Accounting

CO7: Demonstrate substantial knowledge of cost accounting practices, regulations in solving complex cost accounting problems.

Teaching Hours:10

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Meaning, objectives and advantages of cost accounting; Difference between cost accounting and financial accounting; Cost concepts and classifications; Elements of cost; Installation of a Costing system; Format of Cost Sheet - Tenders and Quotations (Problems on above).

Teaching Hours:10

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Meaning, objectives and advantages of cost accounting; Difference between cost accounting and financial accounting; Cost concepts and classifications; Elements of cost; Installation of a Costing system; Format of Cost Sheet - Tenders and Quotations (Problems on above).

Teaching Hours:10

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Meaning, objectives and advantages of cost accounting; Difference between cost accounting and financial accounting; Cost concepts and classifications; Elements of cost; Installation of a Costing system; Format of Cost Sheet - Tenders and Quotations (Problems on above).

Teaching Hours:12
Elements of Cost: Material and Labour

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Materials: Material/inventory control techniques. Accounting and control of purchases, storage and issue of materials. Materials Stock Level, Methods of pricing of materials issues — FIFO, LIFO, Simple and Weighted Average methods.

Labour: Accounting and Control of labour cost; time keeping and time booking. Concept and treatment of idle time, over time, labour turnover and fringe benefits. Methods of wage payment and the Incentive schemes- Halsey and Rowan only 

Teaching Hours:12
Elements of Cost: Material and Labour

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Materials: Material/inventory control techniques. Accounting and control of purchases, storage and issue of materials. Materials Stock Level, Methods of pricing of materials issues — FIFO, LIFO, Simple and Weighted Average methods.

Labour: Accounting and Control of labour cost; time keeping and time booking. Concept and treatment of idle time, over time, labour turnover and fringe benefits. Methods of wage payment and the Incentive schemes- Halsey and Rowan only 

Teaching Hours:12
Elements of Cost: Material and Labour

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Materials: Material/inventory control techniques. Accounting and control of purchases, storage and issue of materials. Materials Stock Level, Methods of pricing of materials issues — FIFO, LIFO, Simple and Weighted Average methods.

Labour: Accounting and Control of labour cost; time keeping and time booking. Concept and treatment of idle time, over time, labour turnover and fringe benefits. Methods of wage payment and the Incentive schemes- Halsey and Rowan only 

Teaching Hours:10
Elements of Cost: Overheads

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Collections and Classification of Overheads - Allocation & Apportionment – Primary Distribution - Secondary Distribution - Reapportionment of Service Department Costs to Production Departments (Simultaneous Equation Method only); absorption of Overheads and Computation of Machine Hour Rate.

Teaching Hours:10
Elements of Cost: Overheads

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Collections and Classification of Overheads - Allocation & Apportionment – Primary Distribution - Secondary Distribution - Reapportionment of Service Department Costs to Production Departments (Simultaneous Equation Method only); absorption of Overheads and Computation of Machine Hour Rate.

Teaching Hours:10
Elements of Cost: Overheads

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Collections and Classification of Overheads - Allocation & Apportionment – Primary Distribution - Secondary Distribution - Reapportionment of Service Department Costs to Production Departments (Simultaneous Equation Method only); absorption of Overheads and Computation of Machine Hour Rate.

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing - I

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Contract Costing -  Definition - Difference between Job Costing and Contract Costing - Contract Ledger - Ascertainment of Profit/Loss on Contract – Work In Progress and Balance Sheet - Cost Plus and Estimated Contracts

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing - I

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Contract Costing -  Definition - Difference between Job Costing and Contract Costing - Contract Ledger - Ascertainment of Profit/Loss on Contract – Work In Progress and Balance Sheet - Cost Plus and Estimated Contracts

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing - I

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

 Contract Costing -  Definition - Difference between Job Costing and Contract Costing - Contract Ledger - Ascertainment of Profit/Loss on Contract – Work In Progress and Balance Sheet - Cost Plus and Estimated Contracts

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing- II

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Process Costing - Normal Loss - Abnormal Loss/gain - (Including Inter-Process Profit and Equivalent Production) Preparation of Process Accounts and Joint and By-Products (theory only).

Operating Costing – Concept - Features - Performa of Operating Costing and Problems on Transport Costing Only

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing- II

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Process Costing - Normal Loss - Abnormal Loss/gain - (Including Inter-Process Profit and Equivalent Production) Preparation of Process Accounts and Joint and By-Products (theory only).

Operating Costing – Concept - Features - Performa of Operating Costing and Problems on Transport Costing Only

Teaching Hours:14
Methods of Costing- II

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Analytical

Process Costing - Normal Loss - Abnormal Loss/gain - (Including Inter-Process Profit and Equivalent Production) Preparation of Process Accounts and Joint and By-Products (theory only).

Operating Costing – Concept - Features - Performa of Operating Costing and Problems on Transport Costing Only

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Jain. S.P,Narang, K. L &amp;Simmi Agrawal (Latest edition). Cost Accounting (2 nd ed.).Delhi, India:Kalyani Publishers.

2. Arora M. N.(Latest edition).Methods and Techniques of  Cost Accounting(4 th ed.). India:Himalaya Publishing House.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. Charles T. Horngren, Srikant M. Datar, Madhav V. Rajan , (2017)Cost Accounting: A Managerial Emphasis, Pearson Education.

2. Banerjee, B. (2020). Cost Accounting Theory and Practices (12th ed.). PHI Learning Pvt Ltd

3. Narang, J. &amp;. (2020). Advanced Cost Accounting. Delhi: Kalyani Publishing House

4. S.N.Maheshwari. (2014)Advanced Cost Accounting. New Delhi: Sultan Chand Publishing House.

Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Component




Quizzes, role plays, objective type tests, written assignments, discussion forums, article reviews, case analysis etc.



Mid semester written examination conducted for 2 hours duration



Group work consisting of presentations, viva voce, and report submission.



Written examination conducted for 3 hours duration








COM181-4 - HEALTHFUL LIVING (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:15
No of Lecture Hours/Week:1
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description

This course is framed to help young adults (aged 18-26) develop healthy food habits, understand their bodies and that of the opposite gender, and improve their attitudes towards their health (physical and mental), hygiene, sexual and reproductive health; and become responsible social citizens and develop digital behaviours.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Create awareness about the nutrition cycle and how to live a healthy lifestyle

CO2: Develop understanding about types of relationships, and the differences between healthy and non-healthy relationships

CO3: Generate understanding about the menstrual cycle, sexual health, and sexual behaviour

CO4: Create awareness about substance and alcohol abuse, and their effects on the body - Health Screenings

Teaching Hours:2
Health and Safety

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Healthy Eating Plate – Eating Disorders & its Types – Mental Disorders & its Types, Stress – Sleep – Signs of Suicide, Gatekeeper Training, First Aid, Fire and Safety, and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 

Teaching Hours:2
Health and Safety

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Healthy Eating Plate – Eating Disorders & its Types – Mental Disorders & its Types, Stress – Sleep – Signs of Suicide, Gatekeeper Training, First Aid, Fire and Safety, and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 

Teaching Hours:2
Health and Safety

Level of Knowledge: Conceptual and Application


Healthy Eating Plate – Eating Disorders & its Types – Mental Disorders & its Types, Stress – Sleep – Signs of Suicide, Gatekeeper Training, First Aid, Fire and Safety, and CPR (Cardiopulmonary resuscitation) 

Teaching Hours:5
Healthy Relations

Relationships between family and friends – types of friend circles, the importance of choosing the right friendships – Differences between Love-Lust-Infactuation – Gender Identity – LGBTQ – Dating – Consent – Personal skills (communication in relationships, negotiation, decision-making, art of listening), boundary setting, Domestic Violence, and Positive Parenting and Family Education Programs (Session for the parents), Counseling and Mentoring

Teaching Hours:5
Healthy Relations

Relationships between family and friends – types of friend circles, the importance of choosing the right friendships – Differences between Love-Lust-Infactuation – Gender Identity – LGBTQ – Dating – Consent – Personal skills (communication in relationships, negotiation, decision-making, art of listening), boundary setting, Domestic Violence, and Positive Parenting and Family Education Programs (Session for the parents), Counseling and Mentoring

Teaching Hours:5
Healthy Relations

Relationships between family and friends – types of friend circles, the importance of choosing the right friendships – Differences between Love-Lust-Infactuation – Gender Identity – LGBTQ – Dating – Consent – Personal skills (communication in relationships, negotiation, decision-making, art of listening), boundary setting, Domestic Violence, and Positive Parenting and Family Education Programs (Session for the parents), Counseling and Mentoring

Teaching Hours:5
Reproductive Health & Safety (RHS)

The reproductive system of both girls and boys – Body Positivity – Menstrual Cycle – Safe sex – Recognize Boundaries – STI’S – Contraception – Teen Pregnancies – Making smart sexual decisions – sexual harassment issues – pornography addiction–Hookup Culture.

Teaching Hours:5
Reproductive Health & Safety (RHS)

The reproductive system of both girls and boys – Body Positivity – Menstrual Cycle – Safe sex – Recognize Boundaries – STI’S – Contraception – Teen Pregnancies – Making smart sexual decisions – sexual harassment issues – pornography addiction–Hookup Culture.

Teaching Hours:5
Reproductive Health & Safety (RHS)

The reproductive system of both girls and boys – Body Positivity – Menstrual Cycle – Safe sex – Recognize Boundaries – STI’S – Contraception – Teen Pregnancies – Making smart sexual decisions – sexual harassment issues – pornography addiction–Hookup Culture.

Teaching Hours:3

ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs) - Types & Way of Intake & Effect on the Body – E-cigarette/Vaping – Illegal Drugs & Substance abuse/OTC (Over The Counter) - Early Detection

Teaching Hours:3

ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs) - Types & Way of Intake & Effect on the Body – E-cigarette/Vaping – Illegal Drugs & Substance abuse/OTC (Over The Counter) - Early Detection

Teaching Hours:3

ATOD (Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs) - Types & Way of Intake & Effect on the Body – E-cigarette/Vaping – Illegal Drugs & Substance abuse/OTC (Over The Counter) - Early Detection

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Let's Talk About It: The Teen's Guide to Sex, Relationships, and Being a Human

By: Erika Moen and Matthew Nolan

2.      The Complete Book of Sex Education

By: Dr. Rajan Bhonsle

3.      You Can Do It: Health, wellness, and healthy living for those who have tried everything else

By: Jasinda Wilder

4.      High: Everything You Want to Know About Drugs, Alcohol, and Addiction

By: David Sheff


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

.Essentials of medical pharmacology

By: KD Tripathi

Evaluation Pattern

Final Assessment to be done at the Department Level consisting of

50 multiple choice questionsto be answered carrying 1 mark each.

COM201-4 - ENTREPRENEURSHIP (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Entrepreneurship is not just about start-ups: it is a topic that is rapidly growing in importance in government policy and in the behaviour of established firms. The course provides students with an understanding of the role and personality of the entrepreneur and a range of skills aimed at successfully planning entrepreneurial ventures. Material covered includes fostering creativity and open-mindedness, knowledge acquisition and management, innovation systems, screening and evaluating new venture concepts, market evaluation and developing a marketing plan, legal Issues Including intellectual property, preparation of venture budgets, and raising finance. The major piece of assessment is the writing of a comprehensive business plan for a new venture.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Discuss the fundamental concept and emerging trends of entrepreneurship.

CO2: Elaborate the entrepreneurial process and classify the different styles of thinking.

CO3: Develop and summarise the creative problem-solving technique and types of innovation.

CO4: Compile the legal and regulatory framework and social responsibility for entrepreneurs.

CO5: Create a business model for a start-up.

CO6: Build competence to identify the different sources of finance available for start-ups and relate their role in different stages of business.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:6

Evolution, Characteristics, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur - Distinction between an Entrepreneur and a Manager, Concept, Growth of Entrepreneurship in India, Role of Entrepreneurship in Economic Development. Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship – Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Globalization, Changing demands, unemployment, changing demographics, institutional support, ease of entry in the informal sector.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:4
The Entrepreneurial Process

Steps in the Entrepreneurial Process: Generating Ideas, Opportunity Identification, Business concepts, Resources (Financial, Physical and Human), Implementing and managing the venture, Harvesting the venture, Design Thinking, Systems Thinking, Agile thinking and Lean thinking Blue Ocean Strategy, Role and relevance of mentors, Incubation cell, Methods of Brainstorming ideas.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:6
Creativity and Innovation

Creativity, Principles of creativity, Creative Problem Solving: Heuristics, Brainstorming, Synectic, Value Analysis Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Profits and Innovation, Principles of Innovation, Disruptive, Incremental and Open innovations, Nurturing and Managing Innovation, Globalization, Concept and Models of Innovation, Methods of protecting Innovation and creativity, Significance of Intellectual Property Rights, Patents & Copyright, Business Model Canvas, and Lean Canvas. Geographical Indications (GI), Types, GI Law in India.

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:10
Entrepreneurship Practice

Essentials of Business Ownership: Types of ventures, Risk and Benefits, Legal and Regulatory Framework, Ethics and Social Responsibility, Market Research (venture opportunity screening), Feasibility Analysis, Introduction to the Business Plan, Developing the Business Model for starting a new venture, E-Commerce and Growing the Venture: The Internet and its impact on venture development, Approaches to E-Commerce, Strategies for E-Commerce Success, The nature of international entrepreneurship and their importance

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Teaching Hours:4
Sources of Raising Capital

Different sources of financing for start-ups, stages of financing involved in start-ups, advantages and disadvantages of the different sources of financing, mezzanine finance, Specific financial assistance from government and financial institutions to promote entrepreneurship, Venture Valuation Methods.

Text Books And Reference Books:

Allen, K. R. (2011),“Launching New Ventures: An Entrepreneurial Approach”, 6th Edition. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Kuratko, Donald F. Entrepreneurship: (2010) Theory, Process, Practice 9th Edition. Mason, Ohio: South-Western Cengage Learning.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Scarborough, N. M. (2011), “Essentials of Entrepreneurship and Small Business Management”, 6th Edition. New Jersey: Prentice Hall.

Verstraete, T. and Jouioson-Laffitte, E. (2012), “A Business Model for Entrepreneurship”, Cheltenham: Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd.

Poornima Charantimath, (2007) “Entrepreneurship Development-Small Business Enterprise”, Pearson Education.

Rober D Hisrich, Michael P Peters, Dean A Shepherd, (2007), Entrepreneurship, (6 ed.), The McGraw-Hill companies.

Rajiv Roy, (2011), Entrepreneurship, (2 ed.) Oxford University Press.

Evaluation Pattern












CIA I (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

CIA I (b) Video Content Creation

CIA II Case Study Analysis

CIA III (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)


Business Plan Development


10 Questions

Develop one video interview with an entrepreneur

Case Study Analysis

10 Questions

Draft a feasible Business Plan

Marks allotted for attendance

5 Marks

10 Marks

15 Marks

05 Marks

10 Marks

5 Marks

5 %







This is a Submission Based Paper 


Individual Assignment Details:


CIA I (a) Multiple Choice Questions (MCQ)

CIA I (b) Video Content Creation


CIA II Case Study Analysis


CIA III (a) Multiple Choice Questions(MCQ)

CIA III (b) Business Plan Creation


Assignment Description:



CIA I (a): Week 1 & 2: MCQ (5 Marks)

Google Form/Google Classroom based Quiz consisting of MCQs to test the basic concepts relating to Unit 1 and 2. The date of examination is on or before 05-02-2022.  This would be an individual assessment with a set of 10 questions, 5 each from unit 1 and 2.  The details of this assignment, and the penalties for not attending shall be posted in the Google Classroom.

Learning outcomes:

Learning outcomes:

·      Understand and recall the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, and types of entrepreneurships, and emerging trends in entrepreneurship

·      Understand and recall the entrepreneurial process, financial, physical and human resource requirements

Evaluation Rubric/s:


Evaluation Rubric/s:

10 MCQs each carry 0.5 mark. Computer will evaluate the score. Grading report for students will be generated.

0-1 marks ---Need to improve

2-3 marks ----good

4-5 marks ---- Very Good



Assignment Description:




CIA I (b) Preparing a video interview of an Entrepreneur (Individual Assignment) 10 marks

Every student shall identify an entrepreneur and prepare a 15 minutes video interview on them.  Orientation about the video preparation shall be given by the respective faculty in the first week of the semester itself. Later a Google spreadsheet of students list shall be sent to the students.  Within a week the students need to enter the name of the entrepreneurs identified so as to avoid repetition in their selections and start preparing the interview. Once the entrepreneur is finalized, an orientation about plagiarism policies shall be given by the faculty.  The last date of the video submission is 05-02-2022, before 06:00 PM.  Inability to submit the video on or before the due date should be priorly intimated to the faculty.  Any delay in submission without prior consent or approval shall lead to a penalty of marking the student ZERO in this component. 


The video shall be assessed based on the following rubrics. Report submitted will be valued for 10 marks.

More details of the report:

  1. The video should include genesis, growth, management contributions, challenges, how they overcome, achievements, major entrepreneurship inferences.
  2. References and sources should be mentioned as per APA 6th Edition, towards the end of the video.
  3. The video interview should be a minimum of 15 minutes.
  4. Last date for submission 05th February 2022, late submission within two days of the scheduled date, will carry a penalty deduction of two marks.


Learning outcomes:


  • Recall the concepts of Entrepreneurial development.
  • Relate the Entrepreneurial development concepts to Entrepreneurial Process.
  • Apply relevant concepts, characteristic, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur in Entrepreneurship.


Evaluation Rubric/s:



Marks Allocation







Content Conceptual understanding, Latest developments, relevance, facts, examples,

All the points are covered

Any four points are covered

Any three points are covered

Any two points are covered.


Organisation, Introduction, Supporting literature, Inferences, Conclusion

All the points are covered

Any three points are covered     

Any two points are covered

Any one point is covered


Quality of information (originality of the work based on research)

75-100% originality

50-75% originality

25-50% originality

Below 25% originality



Articulation (Grammar usage, Diction, Pronunciation)

No errors

Only one or two errors

More than two errors

Numerous errors distract from understanding


References, Books, Research articles, periodicals, websites, reports

At least 10

At least 7

At least 5

Less than 5



Mapping Learning outcome with evaluation rubrics


Learning outcomes of the assignment

Method of assessment

Component of the evaluation rubrics

Recall the concepts of Entrepreneurial development.

Video consists clear definition conceptual clarity and explanation.

All the concepts of Entrepreneurial development are well articulated

Relate the Entrepreneurial development concepts to Entrepreneurial Process

Report includes identification of a well narrated suitable example

The student is able to identify several suitable examples for the topic.

Apply relevant concepts, characteristic, Nature, Types, Functions of Entrepreneur in Entrepreneurship.

Interview has relevant facts, latest developments and examples.

At-least 5 relevant references

From books, research articles, periodicals, websites, reports are given



Assignment Description

CIA II - Case Study (15 marks)

Group of not more than six members in a team will be formed randomly in the class based on the subject teacher’s discretion. Each group shall gather content and solve the assigned case study and submit a written report of the same. Report shall include the introduction to the case, highlights and objectives, conceptual definitions, detailed analysis, findings and suggestion, conclusion.  Groups are free to use all authentic sources to gather information. Once the case study is finalized, an orientation about case analysis, report writing, and plagiarism policies shall be given by the faculty.  The last date of the case analysis report submission is 14-03-2022, before 06:00 PM.  The report can be supported with article reviews, statistical facts and examples and book references.

More Details of the Report:

1.     Case Study has to be based on growth of Entrepreneurship in India or Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship.

  1. References as per APA 6th Edition, and Appendix.
  2. Detailed analysis of the problem and alternatives available should form part of the report.
  3. The written report should be a minimum of 6 pages.
  4. Last date for submission 14th March, 2022, late submission within two days of the scheduled date, will carry a penalty deduction of two marks.


Learning outcome:


  • Demonstrate understanding of the concepts.
  • Explain the growth of Entrepreneurship in India or Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship.
  • Adapt and work as a team.
  • Articulate and present thoughts coherently.


Evaluation Rubrics:







Clear explanation of key strategic issues 

The problems, scope, and seriousness were clearly identified in the discussions.

There was a well-focused diagnosis of strategic issues and key problems that demonstrated a good grasp of the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Effective Executive Summary

Did not waste space summarizing information already found in the case.

Shows superior knowledge of the issues, key problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Effective Executive Summary

Shows adequate knowledge of the issues, key problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Executive summary adequate

Shows some understanding of the issues, key problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Executive summary inadequate

Shows little understanding of the issues, key problems, and the company’s present situation and strategic issues.

Executive summary missing or poorly constructed

Valid arguments; analysis of performance with relevant supportive detail

Logically organized, key points, key arguments, and important criteria for evaluating business strategies were easily identified 

Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were identified and clearly analyzed and supported.

Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were clearly identified, analyzed, and supported.


Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were partially identified, analyzed, and supported.


Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were not clearly identified, analyzed, and supported.


Critical issues and key problems that supported the Case Analysis were poorly identified, analyzed, and supported.


Appropriate analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the specific industry identified

There was complete data on which to base a thorough analysis

Key change drivers underlying the issues were identified.

Synthesis, analysis, and evaluations were clearly presented and supported in a literate and effective manner.

Analysis of key change drivers and the underlying the issues were clearly identified

Analysis of key change drivers and the underlying the issues were partially identified

Analysis of key change drivers and the underlying the issues were not identified.


Analysis of key change drivers and the underlying the issues inadequate.


Conclusions and recommendations are congruent with strategic analysis

Specific recommendations and/or plans of action provided.

Specific data or facts were referred to when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions.

Recommendations and conclusions were presented and supported in a literate and effective manner.

Effective recommendations, solutions, and/or plans of action were provided.

Specific data or facts were referred when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions.

Effective recommendations and/or plans of action were partially provided.

Specific data or facts were occasionally referred when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions.

Effective recommendations and/or plans of action inadequate.

Specific data or facts were not referred when necessary to support the analysis and conclusions.

Effective recommendations and/or plans of action not provided.

Specific data or facts necessary to support the analysis and conclusions was not provided.

Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. APA formatting

Logically organized, key points, key arguments, and important criteria for evaluating the business logic easily identified.

Key points were supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case.

Proper grammar, spelling, punctuation, 3rd person objective view, professional writing, and syntax.

Key points were clearly identified and supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case.

Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax

Key points were partially identified and supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case.

Adequate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax

Key points were not identified and supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs improvement

Key points were poorly identified and supported with a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts or analytical frameworks to the data provided in the case.

Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs significant improvement


Mapping Learning outcome with evaluation rubrics:


Learning Outcomes of the Assignment

Method of Assessment

Component of the Evaluation Rubrics

§  Demonstrate understanding of the concepts.

§  Explain the growth of Entrepreneurship in India or Emerging trends of contemporary entrepreneurship

§  Adapt and work as a team.

§  Articulate and present thoughts coherently

Written Assignment on case analysis

§  Clear explanation of key strategic issues

§  Valid arguments; analysis of performance with relevant supportive detail

§  Appropriate analysis, evaluation, synthesis for the specific industry identified

§  Conclusions and recommendations are congruent with strategic analysis

§  Proper organization, professional writing, and logical flow of analysis. APA formatting




Assignment Description:

CIA III (a): Week 15 & 16: MCQ (5 Marks)

Google Form/Google Classroom based Quiz consisting of MCQs to test the basic concepts relating to Unit 1 and 2. The date of examination is on or before 05-04-2022.  This would be an individual assessment with a set of 10 questions, 5 each from unit 1 and 2.  The details of this assignment, and the penalties for not attending shall be posted in the Google Classroom.


Learning Outcome:


§Understand and recall the basic concepts of entrepreneurship, and types of entrepreneurships, and emerging trends in entrepreneurship

§Understand and recall the entrepreneurial process, financial, physical and human resource requirements


Evaluation Rubrics:

Evaluation Rubric/s:

10 MCQs each carry 0.5 mark. Computer will evaluate the score. Grading report for students will be generated.

0-1 marks ---Need to improve

2-3 marks ----good

4-5 marks ---- Very Good 



Assignment Description

CIA III (b) Business Plan and viva-voce (10 marks)

The same group allotted for Case Study report shall continue. Once the idea for the business plan is finalized, an orientation about various components of the business plan, report writing, and plagiarism policies shall be given by the faculty. However, every student shall contribute in the construction of a
creative and technical business plan in detail consisting details from idea to implementation stage. The report will be valued for 10 marks by a panel of three external reviewers. The assessment criteria shall be discussed and finalized before the final submission and in consonance with the inputs and suggestions of the reviewers identified.  This criterion shall also be presented and discussed with the students prior to the final submission.  Though this is a group assignment, the assessment of the contribution of each student would be done individually.

More Details of the Report:

§  The report shall include details on value proposition, business and revenue model, sustainability

§  The written report should be a minimum of 10 pages.

§  References as per APA 6th Edition, and Appendix.

§  Last date for submission 20th April 2022, late submission within two days of the scheduled date, will carry a penalty deduction of two marks.

Learning Outcome


§  Enable students to construct a business plan of their own creatively and technically - to enable them becoming an entrepreneur.

§  Articulate and present business thoughts coherently.

§  Evaluation of business feasibility

Evaluation Rubrics






Below 8

Creativity and the Idea

Unique, Creative and meaningful

Creative and Unique

Good but idea lacks creativity.

Lacks originality

Value Proposition

Very well constructed value proposition

Well-constructed value proposition

 Lacks strength in value proposition


Choice of business model

Very good and a well-constructed business model

Good business model 

Satisfactory business model

Flaws in the business model

Profit making ability


Very good


Losses predicted



Sustainable for few years

Average in terms of sustainable in the long run

Is not sustainable


Mapping the Learning Outcomes with Components of the Evaluation Rubrics:


Learning Outcomes of the Assignment

Method of Assessment

Component of the Evaluation Rubrics

§  Enable students to construct creatively and technically a business plan of their own to enhance them to become entrepreneur.

§  Articulate and present business thoughts coherently.

§  Evaluation of business feasibility

Preparation of Business Plan -Written Assignment

§  Creativity and the Idea

§  Value Proposition

§  Choice of business model

§  Profit making ability

§  Sustainability


FRE181-4 - FRENCH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Programme Objectives - The curriculum of the French course offered as II language to II BA/BSc/BCom students is designed to suit the present-day requirements where the emphasis is more on the Oral communication. Beginning with day-to-day situations with its dialogues the stress is on the spoken word. The part on French civilization offers one useful insight on life and living in France.

Course Description -French as a second language in the UG program. The method< Adomania> consists of a student's book and an activity book, both included in the digital manual. It consists of 8 units. The structure of each unit begins with basic communication aspects, leading to basic expressions, vocabulary, cultural aspects, functional and practical French stage by stage in each unit. This< manual> covers all the necessary global parameters.

 Course Objectives

·       To develop basic and communication skills sharpen oral and written skills.

·       To enhance knowledge on French culture.

·       To enrich the learner’s vocabulary

·       To enable learners to engage in and discuss simple topics with ease

Learning Outcome

CO1: Enhancement of communicative competencies and sharpening of written and oral communicative skills.

CO2: Basic knowledge of french civilization.

CO3: Enrichment of vocabulary.

CO4: Enhanced ability to engage in conversations and discussions in French with ease.

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:6

Étape 5

See you at the college

          See you at the college.

          Talking about life in college

          Talk about our timetable

          Vocabularies of college, months, seasons, timing etc.

          Le verbe aller

          Pourquoi/parce que

          Les questions avec et quand

          Il y a


Imagine a dream college

6 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 6

Étape 6

Fashion and us

          Talking about fashion

          Talking about what we buy

          Describe our style

          Vocabularies of dress, accessories, numbers, purchase, style, appreciation etc.

          Les adjectifs démonstratifs

          Le verbe pouvoir

          Les articles indéfinis et définis

          La question avec quel(le)(s)

Design your college dress or accessories.

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 7

Étape 7

At our home


          Describe our home

          Organising our room

          Talk about our daily activities

          Vocabularies of house, organisation, daily life etc.

          Le verbe venir

          Les préposition de lieu

          L’impératif pour donner des conseils


          Les verbes pronominaux

Imagine a real home

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Teaching Hours:8
Unit 8

Étape 8



          Talking about dream destinations

          Making holiday plans

          Telling the story of a trip

          Vocabularies of countries, islands, capitals, continents, places, cacations, climate, etc.

          Le verbe partir

          Le futur proche

          Les prépositions devant les noms de pays, d’îles et de villes

Planning a class trip

8 hours

Text Books And Reference Books:


Textbook : Adomania 1 Methode de Français A1

Le Robert et Nathan, Conjugaison, English Edition

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

French websites like Bonjour de France, Fluent U French, Learn French Lab, Point du FLE etc.

Evaluation Pattern

      I.         Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

·       Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components – 10 marks

·       Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 20 marks

·       Section C - Test of writing skills / Originality in letter writing, dialogue and essay  – 20 marks

CIA -1 10 marks

CIA- 2  50 marks

CIA –3  10 marks

ESE   50 marks.


Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Letter writing / Film review



CIA 2 –Mid Sem Exam



CIA 3 – Quiz / Role Play / Theatre / Creative projects 






End Sem Exam







GER181-4 - GERMAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:100

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: This course mainly deals with the listening, speaking, writing, reading modules of basic German by using different pedagogies and effective strategies in order to meet the requirements of various situations. This course also enables the students to have cross-cultural competencies and cognitive skills.


Course Objectives:

  • ·       To achieve language proficiency skills on the medium level


·       To develop the skills demonstrated in the ability to interpret simple texts


·       To attain some transcultural competency: an awareness of cross-cultural differences between societies.


  • ·       To develop the ability to formulate questions



Learning Outcome

CO1: Understand and perform tasks in varied areas of social life with the help of the acquisition of communicative, linguistic and cultural know-how

CO2: Judge and do tasks in varied areas of day-to-day life activities

CO3: Formulate phrases related to personal details and particular concrete situations.

CO4: Recall the basic phrases and use them effectively

CO5: Interact and speak in small social gatherings.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Alltag und Familie

die Uhrzeit verstehen und nennen Zeitangaben machen über Familie sprechen | sich verabreden einen Termin telefonisch vereinbaren sich für eine Verspätung entschuldigen und darauf reagieren. Possessiveartikel: mein, dein,..,Zeitangaben mit am, um , von.....bis, Modalverben im Satz: Satzklammer, Modalverben müssen, können und  wollen.

Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:8
Zeit mit Freunden
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,Entrepreneurship,Employability,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
eine Einladung verstehen und schreiben,etwas gemeinsam planen, im Restaurant bestellen und bezahlen,über ein Ereignis sprechen,über Geburtstage sprechen,bestimmte Informationen in Texten finden, Veranstaltungstipps im Radio verstehen. Präposition für + Akkusativ mich, dich ...,Datumsangaben: am ...., trennbare Verben. Präteritum von haben und sein.
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Global,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,
einen Blogbeitrag verstehen über den (Arbeits-)Alltag schreiben | Gespräche am Arbeitsplatz verstehen | Ortsangaben machen | Abläufe beschreiben | Briefe verstehen und beantworten Small Talk machen
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Teaching Hours:7
Fit und gesund
Syllabus Unit Mapping
1.Development Needs:Regional,National,Global,Local,
2.Skill Focused:Skill Development,
3.Integration of Cross Cutting Issues:None,

Aufforderungen verstehen und ausdrücken | persönliche Angaben machen | Körperteile nennen Anweisungen wiedergeben | Gesundheitstipps verstehen. Gespräche beim Arzt führen | Anweisungen verstehen und geben | und geben. Korperteile Krankheiten | Medikamente |

                      Berufe im Krankenhaus. Imperativ mit du, ihr und Sie Imperativsätze | Modalverben: können, sollen, müssen, dürfen, wollen, möchten, mögen, 

                      Perfekt mit haben und sein
Text Books And Reference Books:

Netzwerk neu Deutsch als Fremdsprache A1 Textbook, Workbook, Glossar and 2 CDs by Stefanie Dengler, Paul Rusch, Helen Schmitz, Tanja Sieber, Klett -Langenscheidt Publishers


Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Studio d A1 set of three books and CD by Herr Mann Funk, Cornelsen Publishers


2.     Deutsch Sprachlehre für Ausländer and Glossar Deutsch-English by Heinz Griesbach-Dora Schulz, Max Hueber Publishers


3.     Deutsch für den Beruf text book by Adelheid h, Max Hueber Publishers


4.     Deutsch für den Beruf work book by Adelheid h, Max Hueber Publishers


5.     Grammatik Intensiv Trainer A1 Deutsch – Langenscheidt by Mark Lester, Larry Beason, Langenscheid Publishers


6.     Fit für Goethe Zetifikat A1 start Deutsch 1 by Johaness Gerbes, Frau ke van der Werff, Hueber Publishers


7.     Learn german through games and activities level1 Deutsch als Fremdsprache/Kursbuch und Arbeitsbuch and CD by Sabine Emmerich & Federica Colombo, Eli Publishers


Evaluation Pattern

Assessment Pattern

CIA (Weight)

ESE (Weight)

CIA 1 – Assignments / Creative Projects



CIA 2 –Mid Semester Exam



CIA 3 – Viva / Group assignment






End Semester Exam







HIN181-4 - BASIC HINDI (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


This is a thirty hours course. Students will be exposed to the use of Hindi Language both in oral and written forms. During the course, Hindi alphabets, words, simple sentences, general vocabulary and basic grammar will be taught. At the end of the course students will be able to read, write and speak the Language

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the spoken skill.

CO2: Acquire reading and writing skill.

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:17
1. Alphabets-Vowels and Consonants oral traditions in hindi, History of hindi language,devanagari scripts,Dialects,Hindi as official language

Students will be trained in basic HIndi language 

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:7
Translation Theory and process,Types of translation,qualities of a good translatot

Translation practice

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Teaching Hours:6
Conversation practice.

Basic conversation skill development in Hindi

Text Books And Reference Books:

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Creative writing                                  by: John Singleton

2.     Adhunik Hindi Nibandh                     by: BhuvaneshwarichandranSaksena.

3.     Cambridge introduction to                 by: Morley, Davi

Creative writing

Evaluation Pattern

Mid-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                              Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing


1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



End-Semester Examination

Course name- Basic Hindi

Course Code-HIN181-3

Paper I – Hindi

Max. Time: 2 Hrs                                                                                          Max. Marks: 50


Subject Title

Types of Questions





1.     Multiple choice

2.     Change of Gender

3.     Change of Number

4.     Change of Tense

5.     Correct the sentences

10 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

5 questions

10x1= 10







Vocabulary writing

10 questions

1 x10= 10



Conversation practice

Descriptive type

1 out of 2 



HIN282-4 - HINDI (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The text book "Samakaleen Katha Sanchay" is a story collection edited by Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond, published by Vani Prakashan. New Delhi. In this semester, film studies is been offered. Modules on India's leading industrialists and advertisement creation also are included in the syllabus

Learning Outcome

CO1: Improve the writing skill in literary Hindi

CO2: Improve the analytical skills through critical analysis of the short stories.

CO3: Understand the thematic and technical aspects of Hindi movies through the visual text.

CO4: Able to contribute to the field of advertisement making.

CO5: Able to draw inspiration from leading industrialists

Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15
Samakaleen Katha Sanchay

Anthology of contemporary Hindi short stories

Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:15


Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:5

12 th fail

Lunch box

English vinglish 



Teaching Hours:5
Film appreciation

film appreciation

Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Teaching Hours:2

India's Leading industrialist

Text Books And Reference Books:

"Samakaleen Katha Sanchay" is a story collection edited by Dr. Sebastian K A & Dr. Deepak Kumar Gond, published by Vani Prakashan.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1 Vanijya Hindi – By A V Narti 2 Creative writing – By : John Singleton 3 Adhunik Hindi Nibandh – By: Bhuvaneshwarichandran Saksena 4 Cambridge introduction to – By: Morley, Davi

Evaluation Pattern











KAN181-4 - FOUNDATION KANNADA (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Foundational Kannada has been introduced for the Under Graduate Non-Kannada Speakers. These students are trained to converse in Kannada for their day-to-day life activities. It helps them to communicate among the group to create intimacy for their daily activity.  It also helps to understand the culture and tradition of the region. By the end of the course, students will be able to understand, speak, read and write in Kannada language. The department of languages proposed to offered Foundational Kannada along with two credits and thirty hours of class room teaching for the BA/B.SC. /B.COM and BBA Courses in UG Programme from this academic year 2024-25.


Course Objective:

• To enable students to communicate in the regional language Kannada.

• Helps to converse in Kannada language particularly those have come from other states.


• The course mainly focuses on Conversation and writing skills.



Learning Outcome

CO1: Remember and write the Kannada vocabulary

CO2: Understand words and write Kannada meaning

CO3: Evaluate text and create the sentences

CO4: Appy the language to the context

Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Syntax: Sentence Formation

1.     Names of the week, month, time, measures, fruits, vegetables, colors in Kannada

2.     Question form; Question tag

3.     Negation

4.     opposite words


5.     Translation of simple sentences from English to Kannada and vice versa 


Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Teaching Hours:15
Conversational activity in various contexts: script writing, Skit based activity

1.     Self-Introduction in Kannada                                          

2.     Greetings forms in Kannada for the different Occasions: Festival, Birthday and other special occasions.

3.     Conversation with Guests visit to home, Auto Drivers, Visit to Restaurant, Cinema Theatre, Malls etc.

4.     Conversation between two travelers.

5.     Informal letter writing




Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.Muddu Kannada: R. L. Anantharamiah

2.Tili Kannada- K.S. Madhusudana & H.N. Muralidhara 

3.Conversational Kannada: N D Krishnamurthy &amp; Dr. U P Upadhyaya

Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessments, written exam and Viva-Voce

               CIA 1: First written test to test their writing ability (Vocabulary) - 20 Marks

               CIA 2: Second written test to test their writing ability MSE (Sentences) – 50  Marks

               CIA 3: Oral test to test their listening and speaking ability. (Skit based activity)- 20                                   Marks

                Attendance- 05

               ESE: End Semester Examination – 50 Marks

KAN282-4 - KANNADA (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Kannada is offered to students of  IV Semester B.Com Courses, under AEC for fifty marks. The students of this semester will study  Modern Kannada Play, modern fictions and business letters.  The syllabus will help  them to learn and write a different forms  of  business letters.  The Syllabus is well structured with local, national and global needs of the students, imbibes human values, proffessional ethics, sustainability and  various language skills.


Learning Outcome

CO1: Expose learners to the post modern writings.

CO2: Able to understand the literary genre

CO3: Able to develop their critical and analytical thinking

CO4: Enable them in creative writings

CO5: Able to improve their theatrical skills.

Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:20
Modern Play

1. Girish Karnad: Yayati


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
A short story

1.      U R Ananthmurthy: Mauni


Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Teaching Hours:5
Language Skills

Business letter writing



Text Books And Reference Books:

1.      Kannada Sanna Kathegala Olavu- Giraddi Govindaraj

2.      Adhunika Kannada Nataka- K. Marulasiddappa

Samagra Kannada Sahitya Charithre

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Anantamurthi Kathegalu

E Shatamaanada Sanna Kathegalu

Vyavaharika Kannnda


Evaluation Pattern

Writtren Test 

Wikipedia article creation

KOR281-4 - KOREAN (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The course is designed to further develop the knowledge and communicative skills of those who have completed the Basic Korean Language Level I.


  • Upon completion of the course, students should be able to manage conversation and listening, reading and writing on the topics related to asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, talking about daily routines, talking about plans for the week, talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes.
  • Each lesson contains three conversation tasks, reading and speaking, listening and speaking, grammar and speaking and vocabulary and expressions.
  • Korean culture is introduced.


Learning Outcome

CO1: listen, understand and respond to short conversations about everyday life.

CO2: remember and apply basic rules of grammar. write simple phrases/ messages/ dialogues/ small paragraphs on every day topics.

CO3: be familiar with the socio-cultural aspects of the language.

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
What is your phone number?

Asking for a telephone number, making a phone call, inquiring by telephone, grammar-Sino-Korean numbers/How much is it?/What number/What date        

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Where are you going?

Talking about daily routines, grammar-sentence ending informal polite style (present tense)/what time/time marker/place marker                                             

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
Watch a movie at the theater.

Talking about daily life, talking about plans for the week, grammar- sentence ending of informal polite style/object marker/place marker                              

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
I didn't go to school yesterday.

Talking about past events, grammar-sentence ending of the past tense/not/marker (also, too)/irregular verbs, adjectives

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
Where is the bank?

Talking about the location of an object and a building, giving the reason for going somewhere, grammar- words for location/marker (and)/go to/come to                                                                                                       

Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Teaching Hours:5
How do I get to Sogang University?

Asking how to use public transportation and how long public transportation takes, grammar-How/marker (by means of, from to)/ please do (something)/sentence ending of formal polite style  

*Summary of the lessons                                                                                  


Text Books And Reference Books:


Sogang Korean 1A (Student’s book), Sogang Korean 1A (Workbook)

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1.     Grammar and vocabulary supplementary book

2.     Korean Culture 77

Evaluation Pattern

CIA I: 10 (Assignment/Dictation test)

CIA II: 25 (Written test)

CIA III: 10 (Assignment/Dictation test)

ESE : 50 (Written test)

SAN181-4 - BASIC SANSKRIT (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Sanskrit is the ancient language of India. Foundational Sanskrit has been introduced to the undergraduate students.   This course helps the student to read, write, understand, and converse in Sanskrit. The focus would be on understanding the Sanskrit texts rather than just learning the grammar or the vocabulary.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Identify and improved vocabulary

CO2: Develop their communication skills

CO3: Improve their reading and writing skills.

CO4: Improve memory and recall ability.

CO5: pronounce, enunciate, and understand the meaning.

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:10

1.      Time telling in Sanskrit: How to tell time and schedule in Sanskrit

2.      Numbers: 51-100

3.      Names of Animals, Birds, Fruits, Flowers

4.      Names of vehicles, clothes, vegetables

5.      Genders

6.      Antonyms

Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:12
Unit 2

1. Simple sentences

2. Action words



Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Teaching Hours:6

1.      Akaarantha napumsaka linga shabdaani

Text Books And Reference Books:

1. Sanskrit Vocabulary Builder-Book Paperback – 1 by Vyoma Linguistic Labs Foundation 

2. Sanskrit Grammar and Reference Book Paperback – 1 by Prof. Ratnakar Narale

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

1. A Sanskrit Reader: Text and Vocabulary and Notes Hardcover by Charles Rockwell Lanman 

2. The Cambridge Introduction to Sanskrit Hardcover – by A. M. Ruppel  

3. Sabdarupasangrahah Paperback – Sanskrit Edition  by Vyoma Linguistic Labs 


Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessment and an end Semester Examination.

1.      Objective type of exam and oral examination as CIA and end exam

2.      85% of attendance.

3.      The final credits will be weighted average of 2 CIA and ESE


SAN282-4 - SANSKRIT (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

Champu; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.

By learning grammar, it builds analytical, linguistic, and communication skills that aretransferrable to many other areas like law, government, and tech.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Analyze the literature critically.

CO2: Acquaint the students with the linguistic features, aesthetic sense, and other specific key features of famous Sanskrit prose and poetry

CO3: Develop the style of creating literary works (prose and poetry) in Sanskrit.

CO4: Understand the origin and development of Sanskrit drama.

CO5: Appreciate the linguistic features, aesthetic sense, and other specific key features of famous Sanskrit Works.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
champu kavya Nrusimha champu

Champu or Champu-Kavya is a genre of literary composition in Indian literature. The word

&#39;Champu&#39; means a combination of poetry and prose. In Nrusimha champu explains about the

heroism of Lord Narasimha and his incarnation on the earth to put down evil Hiranyaksha

and Hiranyakashyapu to protect the earth from those demons.

Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:12
Drama Cahrudatta of Bhasa

The unfinished Daridra-Charudatta (Charudatta in poverty) tells the story of the courtesan

Vasantasena and is interesting for the same story was developed by Śhudraka into the more famous

play Mrichakatika. Charudatta is an impoverished Brahman, who is one of the central characters in

Sudraka&#39;s play Mricchakatika. Sudraka presents Charudatta as a noble and sensitive man, of


respectable social position. His state of poverty is a result of his charitable nature, which is also

shown as a positive trait.


Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Teaching Hours:6
Grammar- Samasa Prakaranam

1. Samasaprakaranam

2.Translation of passage 

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

 The Little clay cart by Shudraka –Translated by Diwakar Acharya .

1.       Samskrutha sahitya charitre-K Krishnamurthy

2.        Samskrutha sahitya sameekshe- Dr. Shivakumaraswamy


1.      Role of Champu Kavyas in Sanskrit Literature IJIRT › IJIRT165734_PAPER


Evaluation Pattern

The evaluation and assessment will be based on Continuous Internal Assessments and

an End Semester Examination.

CIA 1 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia –Project (1)

CIA 2 – Mid-semester Examination

CIA 3 – will be Sanskrit Wikipedia- Project (2)

CIA ‘s and Attendance will have 50% weight

The end semester examination will have 50% weight.

The final grade will be weighed average of ESE and CIAs.

SPA181-4 - SPANISH (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


Course Description: “Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening, speaking,

writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the Hispanic world. This

course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish .This method leads easy way

to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Course Objectives: “Aula International 1” A1/A2’. General objective are more specific to define

the linguistic knowledge with the help of which the learners will implement various skills such

as to understand, to speak, to interact and to write.

Learning Outcome

CO1: Student will able to comprehend and respond with grammatical accuracy to spoken and written Spanish.

CO2: Student will able to recognize the value of Spanish language learning and cultures through participation in a variety of activities.

CO3: Student will able to demonstrate language learning skills and strategies as cognitive and social development.

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 7 Dirección

o Asking and specifying direction

o Describing about appearance and characters

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 8 Gustar

Expressing an obligation or refusing

o Mentioning about one’s tastes and interests

o Speaking about personal relationships

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 9 Descripciones

o The days of the week the parts of the day

o Speaking about daily activities

o The reflexive verbs

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
● Unit 10 pueblos y ciudades

o Describing the towns, neighborhoods, and cities

o Asking and giving information to get to a place

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 11 habla de tu amigo

o Describing and comparing each other

o Expressing agreement and disagreement

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Teaching Hours:5
Unit 12 describiendo una vez plan en presente

o Talk about the present and plans

o Travel and past tense

Text Books And Reference Books:

“Aula International 1” A1/A2 . Is designed to develop listening, speaking,

writing, and reading skills in Spanish as well as cultural competency in the Hispanic world. This

course is intended for students with no prior knowledge of Spanish .This method leads easy way

to communicate and to carry out tasks in Spanish.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading

Spanish websites like Duolingo, Rosetta Stone, Babbel, Rocket Languages, Pimsleur, Brainscape,

Busuu, Etc

Evaluation Pattern

Examination & Assessments – Through written assignments and different tests of linguistic skills

Question Paper Pattern

● Section A - Test of linguistic ability through grammar components –15 marks

● Section B - Test of translating abilities and comprehension, short answers - 15 marks

● Section C - Test of writing skills / dialogue and essay writing – 20 marks

TAM282-4 - TAMIL (ADVANCED) (2023 Batch)

Total Teaching Hours for Semester:30
No of Lecture Hours/Week:2
Max Marks:50

Course Objectives/Course Description


The department is well-organized curriculum includes courses onliterature, culture, and language competency that enable students to gainthe expertise they need to succeed in their future employment.

1.The Kangaikaan Padalam of the Kamba Ramayanam is a section of the Tamil epic that describes the moment when Bharatan sees the Ganges river: Title-The title Kangaikaan Padalam translates to &quot;the section where Bharatan sees the Ganges. 

In the Kamba Ramayanam, the section before the Kangaikaan Padalam is called the Kangaip Padalam, which describes the part of the story where Rama reaches the Ganges. The Kangaikaan Padalam is named differently because Bharatan goes to the Ganges to see Rama, rather than because hereaches the Ganges while traveling through the forest like Rama. The Kamba Ramayanam, also known as Ramavataram, is a Tamil epic poem written by Kambar in the 12th century.

2. The Akananuru (Tamil: அகநானூறு, Akanāṉūṟu, literally four hundred [poems] in the akam genre&quot;), sometimes called Nedunthokai anthology of long poems, is a classical Tamil poetic work and one of the Eight Anthologies (Ettuthokai) in the Sangam literature.

3.MARADHU PANDIYAN- DRAMA. In 1772, British East India company had killed Muthuvaduganatha Thevar over his refusal to pay taxes. However Marudhu Pandiyar and Queen Velunachiyar escaped, and stayed with Gopala Nayak in Virupatchi for 8 years. After this time, an alliance of kingdoms led by the Pandiyar attacked Sivagangai and retook it in 1789. Both Maruthu Pandiyar were given high positions in the kingdom. The Marudhu Pandiyars (Periya Marudhu and Chinna Marudhu) were de facto rulers of Sivagangai, Tamil Nadu, India, towards the end of the 18th century. They were known for fighting against the East India Company. They were finally executed by the EIC after being captured by them.

4.Ani ilakkanam-&quot;This lesson offers a brief introduction to Ani ilakkanam- the grammar concerning the use of figures of speech. Traditionally, Tamil grammar is divided into 5 parts-viz. ‘ezhuthu’ or (letter), ‘sol’ or (word), ‘porul’ or (subject),‘yappu’ i.e.,(prosody or metrics)and‘ani’. . ‘Anikal’ or figures of speech are the decorative aspects of a language. They are used to add beauty to the written text. The word ‘ani’ in Tamil mean‘beauty’.

5. FILE PREPARATION. The guiding principles behind good file preparation (for any print process) are simplicity and clarity. Files should include everything necessary for output and omit extraneous objects, layers, guides, and swatches.


Course Objectives : The Department of languages offers Tamil as one of the second languages.The objective in providing second language courses for undergraduate programs is to equip students with the ability to effectively express and analyze Tamil language, literature, and culture in a conceptual manner, fostering an understanding of ideas, debates, and ideological affiliations. This approach encourages students to think critically, evaluate arguments, and draw conclusions in a logical and analytical manner. By emphasizing the development of these skills, students can apply their knowledge of Tamil language and culture to various academic and professional settings, making them well-rounded and competitive individuals in the global arena.

Learning Outcome

CO 1: CO1: Students will learn the chracteristics interest in epic and Analyze the chronological background and generous of epics.

CO 2: CO2: Understand about the sacrifice of love & Analyze the departmental principles of the Tamil and the Internal ethics.

CO3: CO3: Understand and appreciate the patriotism of the Tamil Kings.

CO4 : CO2: Understand about the sacrifice of love & Analyze the departmental principles of the Tamil and the Internal ethics. CO4: It helps to know the ethics of the life through grammar.

CO5: CO1: Students will learn the chracteristics interest in epic and Analyze the chronological background and generous of epics. CO2: Understand about the sacrifice of love & Analyze the departmental principles of the Tamil and the Internal ethics. CO3: Understand and appreciate the patriotism of the Tamil Kings. CO5: Gain the knowledge about ,how to prepare files in offices. Apply critical thinking skills to evaluate and respond to Tamil literary works, including making connections between the text and historical, social, and cultural contexts. Use digital tools and resources to enhance Tamil language learning, including online dictionaries, language learning apps, and multimedia res ources.

Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:6
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:10


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5
UNIT-2 SANGAM LITRETURE. - AGANANOORU POEMS NO: 04,16,17,42,74,170 & 202.


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:5


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Teaching Hours:3


Text Books And Reference Books:


Essential references

1. Kambaramayanam- by kambar,

2.Agananooru – by different authors ,

3. Maruthu Pandiyan. By T.M.C.Ragunathan, published by Arivu pathippagam, Chennai.

4. Thandiyalangaram –by Tamil virtual Academy.

5.Vanigath Tamil-Published by kaavya

publication,kodambakkam,Chennai- 600024.

6. History of Tamil Literature Through the centuries XXII Century

M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam, Tiruchirambalam, Mayuram-Thanjavur District.

Essential Reading / Recommended Reading


Recommended references

1. Kambaramayanam- by kambar,

2.Agananooru – by different authors ,

3. Maruthu Pandiyan. By T.M.C.Ragunathan, published by Arivu pathippagam, Chennai.

4. Thandiyalangaram –by Tamil virtual Academy.

5.Vanigath Tamil-Published by kaavya

publication,kodambakkam,Chennai- 600024.

6. History of Tamil Literature Through the centuries XXII Century

M. Arunachalam, Gandhi vidyalayam, Tiruchirambalam, Mayuram-Thanjavur District.

Evaluation Pattern

Evaluation will be based on

1. Research &amp; Content Accuracy

2. Organization &amp; Structure

3. Writing Quality &amp; Clarity

4. Adherence to Wikipedia Style

5. Links, References and Pictures

6. Creativity &amp; Engagement